Sep 22, 2005 15:59
Well my first meeting was good. I had already known all of the people that wanted to join. There was like 4 poeple out of the 7 that wanted to join. But one of them that didnt show up was sick. And the other forgot. And the other i dont know what happened. But i am sooo excited for this year of leaders. But some things i am sad about. The kid that went to LS, kyle, wasnt all what he was cracked up to be. I was told that he was very nice and most of them said he was cool. But other words from dawn, my advisor, was different. He ws supposedly annoying and had hissy-fits in his living group. I'm surprised that i hadnt known this until now. But i hope he will shape up. The only thing i saw bad about him was during meals is when he would slap me or choke me while i was eating. that was bad. But i hope he shapes up to the way i am towards people. All of u know me as a nice person. i dot want my rep to be runied because my other board memeber is a jerk. The meeting was cool though. We toaguht evry1 to do highs/lows and values. its feels sooo good to teach the younger kids how leaders works. They are my predecessors, so i want them to be awesome! Next weeks meeting i am going ovwer the rules and all that junk. Im excited. The only other tihng that makes me sad abotu this year is hte fact that soo many ppl that i know are graduatin this year. i am very sad.
Youth&Govt.(YAG): THis meeting was aeosme! I saw a slideshow of last years cnoference and it looks awesome! So im pumped for that. i probably will try to pass a bill. Any ideas? Im thyinking about soemthing related to the hurricanes and economy and stuff. I hope it passes. It is pretty cool. Most of the club is mostly leaders tho. Like andy costain, ethan warner, missy, julie cannata, zach meilan, and sean werkheiser. What a great group.
Today: I am going to Wright's Famr in Rhode Island for the Hockomock Area YMCA's volunteer banquet. If you dont recall, you recieve a prize for doing hours of community service. I have performed 500 hours of communtiy service for the Y, which is equivalent to a plaque with my name on it and a t shirt. Im soo proud of myself. I am the first teen at the tten center to get a plaque. Im excited.
Tomorrow: School(which seems to me moving incredibly fast for some reason), Work 3-10. Then sleep. Probably wont post but ill post my plans so i dont lose track.
Saturday: Working 11 am-9 pm. Ugh. But then after that, EXECUTIVE OVERNIGHT!! Yay! I cant wait. I have waited a week for this. Im ready for it.
Ill probably wont post until sunday so heres wats up. Gonna go now.