Nov 15, 2004 18:52
Love of Lady Morning
-Day can come and go like thought on the verge of slumber.
-Lady Morning rushes out of the East like a flood,
and fills me with Her loving oranges and reds.
She comforts and consoles me with her soft warm light,
then passes by only to return the next day.
-Day skips eternally on his short and merry way.
-The marriage of After and Noon bears drops of rain
that float gently down (more oft than not) about me.
They taunt me with Cold and the beginnings of Night,
and poke me under the drowning linens of black.
-Day teases and gleefully pinches, but just in jest.
-Night slowly creeps and suffocates Day's playfulness,
and with her gown of black she smothers joy and love.
Her nails dance the boundary of tearing my soul,
her locks are stinging whips of fear and lonliness.
-Day is gone with all of his hope, and light is blackened.
-Dream steals me with her seducing dance and kisses
to steal Sight for her every whim and desire.
She leaves me writhing, helpless, humiliated,
with only a mangled, sleepless shell to cry from.
-Day rushes Morning and keeps her ever on Dream's heels.
-Lady Morning rushes out of the East like a flood,
and fills me with Her loving oranges and reds.
She comforts and consoles me with her soft warm light,
then passes by only to return the next day.
-Such is my life, layed out in these seasonal days. I mean, seasons insofar as the amount of time between the short phone call here or the tiny visit there. It begins to be too much for me to handle some times. I just break down and cry. I can't go to sleep (for fear of the dreams I have when I do) and I thus become an insomniacial lunatic. The state of my life for the time being probably couldn't get much worse. If it can, I probably deserve it for saying such a blind thing. I can't help but come on here with things like this, because I have nowhere else to go. I miss everyone so much. I took everyone I ever knew for granted by not being as good of a friend as I should have. I know I said things about people and did things to people that nobody deserves. I just miss everyone, even if I didn't know you that well, I miss you. You're part of the grander scheme that is "Life as it Was" and I didn't realize how good I had it. I'm sorry for everything. I'm sorry for taking up so much space on your friends page, all 11 of you (it's a very big 11 though.)