Jun 09, 2009 12:59

i haven't been this mad in i don't even know how long, probably since the last time my dad got me pissed because he's the only one that seems to be able to get me this fucking furious. i'm so mad you should hear how loud i'm typing. also i'm lucky my computer even started. ok. let's backtrack a bit.
i'm sitting in the kitchen of the burr ridge home eating my captain crunch in a very good mood by the way because i just sold my old ibook. and there's a 1 litre glass bottle (it was tangerine italian soda from whole foods, LOVE that stuff) that i left on the counter so i can take it with me next time i go to my moms so i can recycle it. now, let me catch you up on that real quick. my dad being the cheapass that he is cancelled our garbage and recycling service because he's so fucking cheap (note:  he wanted to also cancel internet and cable. honestly he's not hurting for money he's just so fucking cheap. so i put a stop to that one because i need the internet and i don't know who he was kidding he watches tv all the time i don't think he understands that if he cancels it that he will no longer have animal planet, discovery, or the travel channel) anyway so all our garbage he takes with him to work (he works for CTA) and he throws it in some dumpster by their garage. but i recycle so i take all our recycling over to my mom's because she isn't as fucking cheap as he is and still has service. so anyway, there i am eating my crunch berries, reading my news websites, and my dad is putsing around the sink, and he's like "what are you doing with this bottle over here?" and he holds up my glass 1L bottle. and i'm like "i'm going to recycle it, leave it" and he's like "i'll recycle it for you" and HE THROWS IT IN THE TRASH. and i'm like "what are you doing? take it out and give it to me, i'll recycle it" and he's like "i just recycled it, forget it" and i said "clearly you didn't. you just threw it away with all that trash that you're going to just take to work and throw in a dumpster. let me have my bottle" and get this, he says "no" WHAT THE FUCK!? why wouldn't he give it to me. so i rise from my seat, and my voice is also rising with me, "tata, move, let me get that bottle" and he takes his knee, and he's closing the cabinet door closed with it, standing in front of it. so i'm like "tata, seriously why won't you let me recycle it!?" and he's like "kristina shut up! sit down! forget about it! i just recycled it!" and by this point i'm yelling "NO. MOVE, I WANT TO RECYCLE IT. IT'S MY BOTTLE." and he wouldn't move. he kept yelling at me to shut up and sit down. so i kept yelling to give me a reason why i couldn't recycle it and he didn't give me one, he just kept yelling and saying to shut up calm down sit down and forget about it and that if i didn't he was going to break it. and i was saying i don't care if you break it i'm still going to recycle it. and so then he takes the WHOLE garbage can out into the garage. so i stood in disbelief for like 3 seconds before i followed him out there. and he no joke was holding the door closed on me. so i push my way out, he yells some more for me to stop and then i just give up because he's being fucking ridiculous so i go slam my computer shut (that's why i'm surprised it turned on), and stomp around my room slamming drawyers and closet doors just so he knows how pissed i really am and pack some shit to keep me occupied into my backpack and i stomp downstairs and he's in the kitchen and i'm like "BYE" and he's in his super nice voice "oh? where are you going?" and i yell at him "WHAT DOES IT MATTER ANYWAY" and he bellows "I WANT TO KNOW WHERE YOU'RE GOING" and im' like "to MOMS WHERE I DON'T HAVE TO BE AROUND YOU AND CAN RECYCLE WHAT I WANT" and that seemed to piss him off nicely because he started saying something but i slammed the garage door shut and drove away. and i'm really mad as i'm driving away. because he couldn't give me a reason. not one. why? because he's fucking ridiculous. so i get to my mom's and i'm unpacking my backpack, and my phone is ringing, and it's him. i toy with not answering, but maybe he's calling to apologize and give me the bottle back. yeah how wrong i was. get this phone call:
me: (curtly) "hi."
him: (that fucking sweet voice again) "oh hi, have you cooled down yet?"
me: (curtly, monotone) "why didn't you let me recycle that bottle"
him: "please, take a breathe, count to 10 and then talk to me."
me: (starting to yell)  "are you KIDDING. why wouldn't you LET ME RECYCLE THAT BOTTLE I WANT A REASON."
him:  (talking over me since before i even yelled "KIDDING") "kristina i have been thinking. i hate yelling and fighting with you like this."
him: (continued talking as if i said nothing) "that bottle means nothing to me. nothing. i did that on purpose. to see how much you respect me. thanks for leaving me here. this is a great father's day present. i love you very much." AND THEN HE FUCKING HANGS UP WHAT THE FUCKING FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK WAS THAT. i am completely baffled at what just happened. honestly why wouldn't he let me recycle the bottle? and "i did that on purpose to see how much you respect me" !?!? WHAT THE HELL IS THAT!? fuck i'm so pissed. and i forgot my charger at home so i need to go home and get it. and you better BELIEVE i'm going to ask him again for his reason and yell at him for "testing my respect" how the hell am i supposed to respect him when he can't even give me a damn reason not to recycle, when he doesn't listen to what i say, and when he gives me little "tests" like this. what the fuck?! honestly i have no other words besides fuck to describe this, and i'm just really proud of myself for not swearing to his face because i was FUCKING PISSED.
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