about heroes

Feb 10, 2009 13:31

so i'm a fan of the show, and i just downloaded the latest episode to rewatch. that's what i've been doing lately, watching [heroes, lost, the office] once and then again for good measure. and i was just skipping around the episode to finally where hiro and ando rejoin parkman, mohinder, and peter flies in. and that little pow wow really made me notice how one-sided this show is. i mean, i'm not one to point out inequality between men and women but it's heavily prevalent in this show.

look at it this way, out of the cast, how many girls are there? and what are their super powers? let me list it out for you.
  1. angela petrelli--old woman--can sometimes see the future in her dreams
  2. claire--hot young cheerleader--self healing
  3. claire's adopted mom--plain looking, not an intellectual, stay at home mom, into show dogs named mr. muggles, useless
  4. claire's bio mom--everything clair's adopted mom is not (as in hot fun mom), flame
  5. tracy--annoying leggy blonde--ice
  6. daphne (dead?) --short, weird looking, fried hair, speedster
  7. maya (hopefully dead?)--apparently guys think she's an attractive latino, SUPER annoying, poison tears
looking at it this way you are able to see clear distinctions.  the female cast members are either eye candy or blatenly not.  and NONE of them have any awesome powers (like peter's sylar's or hiro's) just random not very useful stuff. now i don't really mind this because the boys on the show are awesome--i love hiro, sylar, nathan, peter and all of them. but really, the writers gave the guys all the super awesome powers--flight, teleportation/time travel, etc.  the ONLY girl that had awesome powers was elle bishop portrayed by kristen bell--she had lightning/electricity but she was marred with a psychosis.

good work heroes writers.

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