Feb 04, 2009 12:49
one word. hilarious.
i think i only caught about the last half of it but still...gold.
so the scene is a growing garden in the middle of some dense wooded wilderness; the cops followed at least 10 miles of a tiny black hose under some dead foliage to this place.
once the cop has guided the cameras to a small clearing--there's marijuana plants growing fairly densely in this space of woods--he's pointing out how the growers have constructed these 'primitive' shelters so they can apparently sleep there and tend to the plants. so he begins walking away from the little camp and he's saying to the camera, "and over here we find a stash" when he stops walking at a few 5 gallon bright green buckets and proceeds to pull out a can of food, "we see this is some menudo." he then moves a bit and looks at the camera, "if we go over here we find some tortillas, and some valencia hot sauce,"--at this point making sure to shove the bottle closer to the lens--giving the product shout out to what is clearly getting free promo. the cop takes a few steps back from the entire scene and is about to begin his conclusion on the entire situation, "now, these items...this is usually typical for hispanic growers."
that statement right there. it killed the entire segment.
but overall the special was just full of ridiculous stuff i could never even have imagined.
billions of dollars of marijuana drug trafficking. billions. and entirely different billions of dollars of law enforcement being used to stop this, and the illegal business is still booming. the old cia agents from the 70s and 80s and the old smugglers from the same era were interviewed and the smuggler had actually conducted thousands of dollars of fraudulent research saying he was writing a book on smuggling, and had people investigate which ports were most susceptible to government inspection, and naturally they were the ones nearest the mexican and canadian borders, so the guy now had statistically determined where to set up port for his business. he chose the san francisco bay area and had commissioned at least a handful of fishermen to be his transport. it was insane! and the only reason the cia was even able to catch up with him was because one day out of the blue someone found this binder in a booth at wendy's with all of this smuggler's most detailed business dealings, contacts, and absolutely everything close to his business. so now the cia knew his routine inside and out, and they finally caught him and he got 9 years in jail only to get out by 1991. left this binder at denny's! haha! terrible. the cia agent said he was sorry the guy only had 9 years.
and then a special came on tlc about these two twin savants--which was a new term for me, but upon viewing the entirety of the documentary i would come to learn that the twins, flo and kay are autistic savant twins with extraordinary memory recollection and just overall brain function who also have a few minor developmental disorders. the two sisters were awesome. they had suffered so much misfortune in life with discrimination from society early on, the fact that in the time period they were born, individuals with minds that developed differently were treated as if they were an embarrassment. even though flo and kay's parents didn't fully understand or appreciate them they were extremely fortunate to have a really great sister who loved and cared for them both deeply showing them many of the simple great things in life. while their mother would hide the two at home--their sister would take them out and about making great memories for all of them. their relationship was so endearing. their sister's family--her husband and two children spoke extremely fondly of flo and kay. see the two were really interested in a few specialized areas: dick clark, charts, dates, and pop music. they love everything dick clark, which is hilariously awesome. their favorite show is the $10,000 pyramid, which may be a little old for my time, but it was a game show in which he was the host. they can remember what dick clark was wearing on nearly any of the shows, can recall specific questions asked from past episodes, and know intimate details about clark's past and his family as well. flo and kay chart what people are wearing on a certain day--mostly dick clark and their favorite local news anchors; they can also tell you what any day of the week a certain date was; and can recall a song off any pop album you ask them--being able to tell you what album, artist, and date it came out. it's absolutely extraordinary and they're just the cutest. their worst day in the world was in 1996 i think, when $10,000 pyramid went off air. the two said they wouldn't talk to anyone, and had lost their appetite for days. i definitely recommend catching it if you're ever on a tlc kick.