Jan 19, 2009 23:02
i was in ohio for a mock trial tourney this past weekend. four days. frigid winter. based on those four days--in this time of year, i'm going to go ahead and say ohio is the worst state in the union. when my mom called me i thanked her for picking illinois to live in. honestly everything about northern ohio is the middle of nowhere, at least northern il has chicago.
anyway, besides the location it was so fun. even though i got served in court the first time, the second time around i did some serious damage as a defense attorney. my problem is i talk too fast and on top of that my brain thinks faster than my mouth can keep up so then i just end up sounding stupid. so the second time we ran the case on defense i seriously struggled to keep my pace slow and steady and my articulation and arguments just were awesome.
there was a lot of hilarious stuff that happened during those two days spent in trial, and a lot more hilarious stuff that happened back at the hotel.
overall a great weekend, it's crazy how close you get to people you didn't even know at the beginning of fall just after spending so much time together on the same cause...and cramped in university vans together. when a handful of them graduate this spring, i'll seriously miss them, but i look forward to the future when we'll be practicing attorneys and the chances that our paths will cross on cases and in courthouses. it'll be great to see them then.
i think i might like one of the boys on the team. again, stupid crushes.
i feel bad that when i come back to my apt, all i talk about is mock trial. i just have so many great memories that i want to share them and i think it drives my roommates nuts. the kids on the team and i talked about it, and this seems to be the case for all of us. like i'll be in the middle of telling them something i thought was awesome and i see them exchange a look, or show signs of boredom, or feigned interest. and don't get me wrong i get where they're coming from, but i've never really been one to keep something inside, so i think i'll have to learn how to do that. because they've been extremely patient with my recanting, and i'm sure it's just boring for them. so after a semester of being nice and patient through my mt tales i think my resolution is to cut down.