
Oct 27, 2008 17:23

on the starbucks kirsten got me today [<3]

"so-called 'global warming' is just a secret ploy by wacko tree-huggers to make American energy independent, clean our air and water, improve the fuel efficiency of our vehicles, kick-start 21st century industries, and make our cities safer and more livable.  don't let them get away with it!"
--Chip Giller founder of Grist.org, where environmentally minded people gather online.

what? seriously? who is this guy, and how is he environmentally minded? and so what IF it was [it's not] but if it was? what's the big deal? at least it's helping? weird.

on another note, my computer seems to be working and my mom is still a pain in the ass. she called me AGAIN and was like "well if it's not working you can have my dell" her old pos that she got from work because they were throwing it out and it sucks. if i wanted something old as time and slow i'd use my ibook that i got from her work. [which i might have to do unless i spontaneously get $2 grand for a new comp or this one stops being annoying]

in other news, i think i've found a decent roommmate for next year, she seems pretty cool--judging her facebook and she likes a lot of the same music and tv shows and books that i do, so that's a good thing right? we'll see. living with the two mock trial kids would have been cool but i would have undoubtedly clashed with the girl, and been kinda crushing on the boy so that would have been an awkward and tense situation. we'll see!

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