And I drink your blood, feel it dripping down my throat, and head for my heart.

May 22, 2004 20:09

And as your body sags and the stench rises in vain, the people on my street are collecting in dismay, before their eyes your head, your head lifts toward the sky and that's the last thing they'll remember of you. Cause I drink your blood, feel it dripping down my throat and head for my heart. You've become, a ghost, you're floating somewhere in between, the waking world, and a landscape of dreams. Well it is nothing, but dieing, got a grenade stuck in your teeth and you're pulling at the pin, you're an illusion, just a shadow flickering underneith the sun. And I drink your blood, feel it dripping down my throat and head for my heart.

I'm horribly bored, I was hoping for some sort of social interaction this weekend, but it doesn't look like that's going to happen. /killself /asdfjkl; /asdfkshahoaiwe. Guess it's back to lonely video games and feature films with morbid background music.

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