Title: Apocalypse [5/?]
Disclaimer: Don't own Heroes. Don't claim to own Heroes. But I sure do love Heroes.
Main Characters: Matt Parkman, Mohinder Suresh, Molly Walker
Word Count: 4149
Rating: This chapter is rated M for violence *shock, horror* and sexuality *glee, joy*
Genre: General/Drama/ZOMBIE.
Notes: Yay! This chapter didn't take me an
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“For God's sake, Matt!” Mohinder chided from a few steps back. “We don't know how they operate yet. If you alert one, maybe others will follow suit.”
MOHINDER: "I mean really, Matt, have you even READ the Zombie Survival Guide?"
'Partner unfocused,” Mohinder thought tersely, narrowing his eyes at Matt. 'Will surely lead to death.'
I laughed. X) Though if it's foreshadowing, I'm sure I'll feel bad about it later. What can I say, I get a kick out of bitchy!Mohinder. I like him being proactive, risk-taking, and practical about things, too, and I'm seeing some of that here.
Gah, MOLLY. I went from feeling happy for her with hearing about Matt talking about her to feeling SO BAD for her when she had to watch her teacher's last few minutes alive.
Spiffy chapter. Will there be MOAR BOB eventually? ;)
Spiffy chapter. Will there be MOAR BOB eventually? ;)
Thanks! And of course! Maybe not next chapters (and maybe not directly) but we will see MOAR BOB here and there.
Thanks again for taking the time to comment. It's encouraging!
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