Title: Apocalypse, Part 2
Disclaimer: Don't own Heroes. Don't claim to own Heroes. But I sure do love Heroes.
Main Characters: Matt Parkman, Mohinder Suresh, Molly Walker.
Word Count: 5144
Rating: This chapter is rated PG-13 for course language and some violence. The fic as a whole is rated M.
Genre: Drama/General/ZOMBIES...!
Notes: This is my first
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YOUR FRIENDS ARE AWESOME. I try to do the same thing with my friends, but they are too distracted by silly things like essays and credit card payments. Pah! Essays and credit cards will mean nothing when the zombies take over! Fools!
And OH MY GOD I was so terrified that my fics would sound awkward and unflowy. Like I constantly remind everybody, this is my first time writing creatively and I don't know what the hell I'm doing. I do have a plot in mind...to a point. I have certain points that I definitely want to hit and situations that I definitely want to get to, but all the stuff in between is on the fly.
Unfortunately, exams are ruling my life right now so I don't know when I will be able to get the next part up.
Holy crap, this is way too long.
You get a MollyBean! so you can pinch her beany cheeks all night long.
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