too long

Sep 02, 2007 19:48

So I guess it has been a while...

School has started.  I think this is going to be a good semester for me.  I will be extremely busy, but I think it will have a positive outcome.  On Mondays I am in school from 8:30 am to 10 pm with a total of 3 hours free in that time frame.  It's pretty insane, and I am not going to lie, Mondays are the devil.  The rest of the week progressively thins out, so that helps.

Ned is living in Orlando now, and I must admit that helps me a lot.  I do have to remind myself every now-and-then that this is not a vacation, and that I need to do school work or practice at home.  As far as my stress level though, it has declined to almost nothing.  That aspect of my life is pretty amazing.

Since I have been back in Orlando, I have been able to start swing dancing again.  I am really rusty, but if feels so good to get moving again.  I had forgotten how much I loved it., if I could just get the boy into it...    I am probably going to join the UCF swing club.  I'll get discounts on workshops, free dances, and fun stuff like that.  It might take up a little more time, but I think I will enjoy it.  I need to make more non-music major friends.  It's so hard to make new friends when you have 11 class in the same 3 buildings and all of them involve the same people.  It's almost high-school like.  I see the same people everyday.

Living with Sarah is is our apartment.  I will be sad when she leaves next semester.  I need to find someone to take her room so I don't have to deal with a random roommate.  :-\  We will see how that goes.

Okay, I guess that is it for now...

I was hoping I would be a little more regular with this, oh well...
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