whats a boy to do...

Mar 24, 2006 14:00

i really cant deal with this situation anymore. 1 week u tell me u love me and u kiss me and act like everything is ok and the next u tell me u need ur space and that im coming strong. i cant do this anymore. u hold all the cards and i have almost no say in what happens between us.if U need UR space U stop talking to me for weeks and i have to deal with it. and i do deal with it, Y? because i love u and i want u in my life. i understand u have alot goin on but thats no reason to excommunicate me from ur life. its not fair to me. i want nothing more than to be with u and u know that, and u have known that. i dont understand the whole "i want to be with you, but i cant" thing. if u want it then do it. i put so much into trying to make a relationship with u work and sometimes i feel like im making progress and other times i feel like nothing more than a blemish on ur perfect record life. just remember that when u make decisions to not talk to me till u get over stuff that, no mater how hard it is on u its twice as hard on me because i have no choice in the matter, and the way i feel about it goes unheard. i love u and want to be with u and i want it to be like it was at the start, when talking to me made ur day, and when u give up anything to spend time with me and when loving me excited u as much as it excites me. And now i sit here with no way of knowing whats going to happen hoping u come back to me, like u said u would, cuz wether or not u still believe it i still think we were supposed to be together cuz no 1 has a connection like we did so easily. so call me when u feel ur ready, cuz ill be around. NOW IF I COULD ONLY FIND THE NERVE TO ACTUALLY SAY IT TO HER,THAT WOULD BE SWEET
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