Nov 01, 2008 02:46
So I worked late, but managed to finish off the writing portion of a late article for Pathfinder. Now, the rest of the weekend is pretty much devoted to getting the adventure for #18 developed by Monday, if possible... it'll be a grueling weekend and I doubt I'll finish, but stranger things have happened.
Anyway, rather than stay at work till close to midnight for 3 days in a row, I cut out early to head home to celebrate Halloween. How, might you ask? By watching my shiny new blu-ray disc of "John Carpenter's The Thing."
It looks better than ever in high def. Things like Doc's nose ring and the final monster aren't hidden in shadow or blur like they are in lower-res versions, and the whites and blacks look super stark and awesome. The opening scene with the helicopter coming over the mountains actually works! (As in you can see the helicopter in the distance when it first appears.)
I have no idea how many times I've seen this movie (at least a few dozen... at LEAST), and seeing it in high def like this is a real treat. Yay!
And then played Fallout 3 for a few hours until I was burned to death by a fire ant the size of a German shepherd. The Apocalypse is a tough place.
video games,