Aug 18, 2008 09:46
Well as you all know allready I still havent located a store location yet. Oh well still looking for one that speaks to me.
on other news as some of you allready know. I fell down a flight of stairs at work late last week. My right knee is messed up pretty badly. Here is the full skinny from least damaging to most damaging symptoms. Soft Tissue Fussion, Spraind Knee, cracked patela(Kneecap), and the connecting bone to the joint and patela is broken.
I have my follow up appointment with my primary care provider(PCP) today at 11:45am.. He will setup an MRI and then schedule an appoint to meet with a bone specialist to talk to me about my surgery options and my limitations for my leg and knee for the next several months...
Thank god for having a sit down job right.. only had to miss two an a half das of work. I'm returning to work today after my doctors appointment today.