Untitled QaF fic

Dec 07, 2008 20:58


Pairing: implied Brian/Justin, mentions of Brian/OMCs
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 1.636
Warnings: crack and a teeny weeny bit of fluff
Disclaimer: I own nothing but this fic. Everything is only made up by me and I'm making no profit with this story.
Beta: garvaldmains. All remaining mistakes are mine.
Notes: This was written for
merkuria as an early Christmas present. I promised her a QaF fic without an emotional Brian, like, ages ago and now here it is. I hope you'll like it, hon, because it's my first QaF fic ever.

What most people don't know is that Brian Kinney loves a lot of things and that he, in fact, likes to express said love. Of course he has his own way of expressing this love, but it counts just the same and just because he doesn't walk around with a big disgusting goofy smile on his face all day long, doesn't mean he hates the world and all the people living in it.

Actually, he's quite happy with the world how it is, especially the limited space of Pittsburgh-world. This world and all the people living in it are revolving around Brian, so how could he not be happy with that? He's the center of attention every time he walks into a room, he's by far the best looking guy everywhere he goes and he's pretty sure he broke a record with the amount of guys he fucked. At least he did so if such a record actually exists.

So, as you can see, Brian Kinney is not a grumpy as well as sexy loner, but really a quite social guy. You can notice it in the little things everyday and Brian is not even that ashamed of it.

- - -

First of all - and who would've guessed - Brian loves himself.

He's hot, clever, witty and simply gorgeous and he doesn't need to explain this point much further as it should be awfully clear to anyone by now.

You can notice this love easily, because Brian makes no secret of the long hours spent in the bathroom (that get a bit longer when he has company) or the quick, approving glances he sends his reflection every time he walks by a mirror. It's not because he's abnormally narcissistic, but because he can be proud of himself - being that handsome needs a lot of work put into it. If someone still has any doubt about that fact, Brian would like to tell this person that they may go and lick ass for an entire night and then still manage to look this awesome after that, please. Just saying.

- - -

Of course, Brian loves sex.

He loves it any way he can get it: if you're hot, male, human and alive and breathing, you may as well get naked now and lay down on the bed or floor or kitchen table. Preferably face down because a hot body doesn't necessarily come with a handsome face.

And if it needs to be explained to you how exactly Brian expresses this love, you did something seriously wrong with your life.

- - -

Brian doesn't exactly love his so-called 'friends', but you can say that he loves their company.

When you're out with Emmett, you can be sure that your heterosexual, masculine ego grows up to the size of Texas and for a guy like Brian, who's heterosexual-masculine ego isn't all that big, that means something. He surely doesn't need to explain what kind of enormous boost your ego gets when you're around Ted.

Brian can live with their company, because it secures him in his knowledge that, no matter how thin he gets, how many drugs and guys he does, there will always be someone that's worse off than him in the end.

Of course - and it's no surprise, really - Mickey is another story altogether. You can't really compare him to Ted and Emmett, aside from his stupid love for comics and his annoying romantic side, or however you'd like to call it.

And one evening, when they're alone in Brian's flat, his head resting on Michael's upper thigh and a joint dangling loosely from his fingers, Brian tells him as much. “I think you're the only one of my friends that's not a loser,” Brian contemplates, staring up at the ceiling.

Michael chuckles and simply says, “Oh?”

“Yeah. Not that you have much competition here, but - you know.”

Michael just laughs again and pets Brian's hair, which makes Brian reach up and swat his hand away. “It's okay, Brian, it's the thought that counts.” Judging from the light tone in Mickey's voice, this has to be one of the few times that he doesn't get overly emotional when stoned but actually quite relaxing to be around. Brian's oddly grateful for that.

“I didn't know you considered Ted and Emmett your friends, though.”

Now that kind of catches Brian by surprise, but he's really too stoned right now to care all that much. “Shut up and get me another beer, bitch.”

“You didn't even had a beer today, Brian.”

“Fuck you.”


Brian sighs. “That's all you can come up with? 'Whatever'? Not everyone can be as witty as me, then.”

“Whatever gets you through the night.”

“Your banter-skills suck.”

“Your face sucks.”

Brian thinks he really should start to reconsider his statement from earlier about Mickey not being a loser.

- - -

And last but not least - and because it is expected to be said - Brian loves Justin. He doesn't do it in a very romantic way and maybe he is a bit ashamed to show that kind of love, but it is how it is.

Of course this is not the flowers-and-candles-and-long-walks-on-the-beach-kind of love, because Brian is in no way gay enough for that, but he and Justin somehow just fit. Justin isn't overly romantic, he is far from being sentimental and all too emotional, but happy with what he gets and Brian couldn't wish for anything more.

“So, how's your big career going?”, Brian asks one night, phone cradled between shoulder and ear while he tries to light a smoke.

“Slow but steady, I guess. The weather in New York sucks even more than in Pittsburgh, that's for sure.” Justin's voice sounds weird and mechanical over the static line, but Brian grins anyway and flops down on the couch.

“How about the men? Do they suck even more than they do in Pittsburgh, too?”

“You realize that wasn't even funny, don't you?” Brian can practically sense Justin rolling his eyes, but the grin is all too audible in his voice. “I was wondering if you'd like to come up here next weekend? My new boy toy is out of town and sex with the ex is always an option.”

Brian takes a drag, puffing the smoke into the air in tiny little circles, and tries to ignore the hope in Justin's voice. “Nah, Sunshine. My boy toy is in town and I'm just too busy to visit your lonely ass.”

“Glad to see you're still the same asshole you used to be.” Justin's voice is gentle and calm and Brian is finally able to release the breath he's been holding.

He relaxes back into the cushions and lets a slow and easy grin settle on his features when he answers, “I'm doing my best, wouldn't want to disappoint my fans.”

It's that kind of love that makes it easy to let the other person live their life without you. And that's the most important one.


The End.

qaf fic

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