bonus badfic chapter

Jul 21, 2008 12:21

bonus badfic chapter
Pairing: Jared/Jensen, Sam/Dean
Rating: PG?
Word Count: 1.939
Warnings: crack, AU, Wincest
Beta: garvaldmains All remaining mistakes are mine.
Disclaimer: I own nothing but this fic. Everything is only made up by me and I'm making no profit with this story.
Summary: It's set some time after the last chapter of the verse:
The Last Time Jensen Ackles Tried To Write Fanfic
Note: I got married! And my lovely wife colbertobsessed wanted me to write her a bonus badfic chapter as her wedding gift. So, I'm interrupting my new verse to give you this little ficlet. I hope it is what you wanted, babe!

Getting married wasn't a thing to be taken lightly and Jensen Ackles knew that all too well. It was no wonder that he'd been a bit hesitant to agree to Jared's proposal of moving to Canada and getting married and Jensen could only feel lucky that Jared was patient enough to let him take his time to decide on what to do, because he needed to ask himself a few questions first.

Was he ready to wake up next to Jared every morning, being unable to escape the inevitable good morning kiss that tasted of stale morning breath and sleep sweaty limps tangling around him?

Was he willing to endure Jared's childish moods, even though it meant that he had to wake up with the picture of a dick drawn onto his face with waterproof colour?

And most importantly, was he ready to spent the rest of his life with the same person?

Jensen was a man who loved his freedom and he usually didn't get attached. But then again, he guessed that strings were probably attached since the time he had held Jared's hair back, while he'd thrown up onto the carpet of Jensen's living room after too much beer mixed with too much candy. The strings were definitely there after Jensen had allowed Jared to give him a kiss to say 'thank you' right after he had stopped retching. And yes, Jensen knew how gross that was, but strangely enough, he hadn't felt grossed out at all.

Living with Jared was like living with a child and Jensen wasn't all too good with children, either. Sometimes he also had the sinking feeling that he was allergic to Jared's dogs because their presence made him sneeze and his eyes would get red and blotchy and he couldn't see a damned thing anymore. Not that Jared ever decided to acknowledge that, since Jared and his dogs were a package deal...

Marrying Jared seemed not the wisest thing to do.

Yet again, Jensen couldn't think of a thing to do that would make more sense. To be honest, his answer had been crystal clear to him the moment Jared had asked him to marry him. Jensen had just needed some time to think things over.

Jared was the only one who could make him laugh at burps and farts or could make Jensen eat tons of candy, just because Jared thought that they tasted so good that Jensen just needed to taste them himself. Jared didn't feel disturbed by Jensen's own morning breath and he'd stand with a cup of coffee and a sheepish expression on his face in the doorway after Jensen discovered the dick on his cheek in the mirror. Jared would get himself an account on this livejournal-thingy just to defend Jensen's virtue after he had posted a slightly less than good fic and to bash Dean, who would call Jensen a midget all the damn time.

Jensen wasn't going to think about the kiss-after-throwing-up because, yeah, still kind of gross.

Come to think of it, moving to Canada with Jared for good and not just for the time of filming and marrying him felt like the thing they were heading for anyway. Jensen had just missed the right time to tell Jared his final answer and the bastard seemed not willing to ask him again.

Seemed like Jensen had to take matters into his own hands again.

* * *

“Jay, you remember the question you asked me a few months ago?”

Jared looked up from the script he'd been reading, some hollywood blockbuster Jensen couldn't remember the name of, and raised an eyebrow. He was lounging on their couch, wearing his sweat pants and a worn shirt. Jensen walked over to him, lifted Jared's outstretched legs to make himself room on the couch and put Jared's legs down across his thighs when he was seated comfortable.

“Of course, baby, because I obviously remember every question I asked you in the past 3 years.”

Jensen refrained from rolling his eyes and rubbed soothing circles on Jared's shin through the pants instead. “I mean the question.”

Jared frowned and Jensen could practically see the wheels turning in his head, before a light bulb seemed to go on and Jared's eyes grew huge. “You mean the question?”

“Yeah,” Jensen nodded. “And I just kinda wanted to let you know I decided that my answer is... yes.”

If possible, Jared's eyes just grew even wider and Jensen had to keep the grin from forming on his lips. But instead of the happy grin, the pouncing and the thorough fucking on the couch Jensen had expected, he just got a stunned silence. He got slightly worried and clamped a hand around Jared's shin.

“Jay? You okay?”

Jared needed some time to react, but then he shook his head as if to clear his thoughts. “Of course, yeah, I mean... this is awesome.” He took a deep breath. “But I thought you'd rather cut off your own balls than wearing that stripper outfit?”

Jensen felt like banging his head against a wall. Like, repeatedly.

* * *

“I heard houses in Canada aren't too expensive.”

“Yeah, can be. Why?” Jared asked through a mouthful of pancake and Jensen made a face. He quickly reached across the kitchen table and swiped the dripping syrup off Jared's chin.

“I don't know. I just thought we could start looking for houses... after what you have asked me.” Jensen seriously didn't know what other hints there were to give. Surely Jared couldn't be dumb enough not to get what Jensen was talking about now.

Jared just kept on munching on his pancakes and made a thoughtful face, before shrugging his shoulders. “If you think that houses in Canada are more convenient for a home made porno, then we can look for one to rent.”

Jensen growled and could barely keep himself from dripping the whole bottle of Jared's precious syrup right onto the bastard's favourite shirt.

* * *

Jensen never was worried that Jared had simply forgotten about his somewhat proposal because it wasn't important enough to him. Jensen wasn't girly enough to worry about such a thing. Jared was just a dumb asshole who couldn't even remember his own name sometimes.

No worrying going on at all, nope. Not even a tiny little bit. No.

No, goddamn it!

* * *

“You're going to make me say it, aren't you?” There was no way Jensen could be fooled by Jared's totally innocent impression.

“Make you say what, Jen?”

“Oh, stop it already.” Jensen sighed and flopped down next to Jared on their bed, propping himself up on one elbow and looking down at Jared. “You ask me to move to Canada with you and get married and don't try to pretend you don't remember it. You're not getting out of this one.”

Jensen wanted to punch the smug smile off Jared's lips. He seriously just wanted to punch that bastard for making him say it and embarrass himself along the way. He just wanted to - “I want to marry you.”

He forgot his angry thoughts immediately as Jared grinned the happiest grin at him and crushed Jensen against him, flipping them both over and pressing Jensen into the mattress whilst peppering his face with kisses. “I know you want to. You'll look lovely in that dress.”

“Jay, stop it.” Jensen wanted to grunt, but the effect was kind of lost as Jared simply gave him a closed mouthed and dry kiss on his lips.

“You stop the complaining, baby. Just imagine me coming home from a long day of hard work to see you standing in the kitchen, making me dinner and then serving me a beer while I watch TV, because now that I'll have you for good, I can become as fat as I want. This will be so awesome.”

“Don't think I'll serve your lazy and fat ass. I'll - “

Jensen was cut off again, because he finally got the happy grin and grabbing and thorough fucking he had expected the first time around.

Giving Jared what he wanted was always a good idea.

* * *

“Oh my God!”

Sam immediately sat upright in bed, staring in shock at Dean who had just stormed into their room, swirling a magazine through the air with one hand. “Shit, man. What happened?”

“You won't believe that!” Dean nearly shrieked. Dean Winchester doesn't shriek, but he was close. Really close. He threw the magazine at him and Sam was plain lucky that this crap didn't hit him in the face.

“Believe what? Stop making such a drama and tell me what's going on, dude. And why the hell are you reading this girly shit?!”

“I didn't read this, I merely saw the headline and had to buy it, alright?” Dean grunted and flopped down in a chair. “Since they obviously don't teach reading skills in Stanford, I'll tell you what's going on. Midget and Jared are engaged, the wedding will be in 5 months.”

“What the - “ Sam stared in shock at the magazine in his hands, before looking up at Dean with a sceptic look in his eyes. “And what is this for a magazine that this news is worth a headline?”

“I don't care.” Dean said exasperated. “Thing is that they're getting married and didn't invite us!”

“Dean,” Sam started with a sigh. “Why should they invite us? We had nothing but trouble with them.”

“Yeah, but... still. I could've written them a story as a present.”

“I'm sure they'd be... happy about that.” Sam said carefully. “Their loss.”

“Yeah, totally. I'm just happy that we're not doing something like that.” He stood up and made to go into the bathroom, but stopped dead when he saw Sam's expression. Dean shook his head violently. “No, Sammy, no. Don't you start giving me this sad little face. I said no!”

“But, Dean..”

“You can stop the hurt puppy act now, there's no way I'm going to do that.”

“But why?” Sam practically whined.

“First, I'm not a girl. Second, I'm just not gay enough to do that, though I'm not so sure about you. Third, we already have the same family name, Sam, there's no point in doing this. Oh, and it's, like, illegal. Not that this matters.”

Sam cringed. “It's not about the family name but about the sentiments, Dean! There's something called love, but you obviously don't know that!”

“Goddamn it, Sam, stop the drama act already! If you want you can sit down and write your sentimental story where you marry me, but stop causing such chick flick moments.”

“You're such a jerk.” Sam grunted out and looked after Dean, who made his way to the bathroom and slammed the door right into Sam's face, obviously not willing to talk about this topic anymore. Fine. Damn bastard didn't have any emotions anyway.

Sam just wanted to find them a new hunt and forget about this crap, but then the image of a teary eyed Dean popped into his head, kneeling at Sam's feet and confessing his undying love for him before he'd ask Sam to marry him. Sam had to chuckle to himself. Dean would be so embarrassed by that. Sam glanced over at his laptop and couldn't help the smug grin appearing on his face. Writing a sentimental fic didn't even seem like a bad idea anymore.

If he was nice enough, he would refrain from making Dean blush and giving Sam flowers in his story. But he didn't feel like acting nice towards his brother at the moment.

Actually, he didn't feel like it at all.


fic, spn, badfic!verse, rps

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