Nov 18, 2003 17:47
First off the weekend sucked. It was no where near as good as most brigade weekends are but we still had some fun. Came back to school. Registration sucked got i got a schedule figured out. Today i had theater class...fell asleep, then sociology with carl winslow, watched movie.....fell asleep. All of a sudden, starting last night, me and tmac are gettin im's from these fucking faggot douchebag's that are still in highschool. This fag, nightfall1211, some looser who just moved to wall like a month ago, came on line last night and was talkin shit to me cause i viewed his gay ass profile. Started sayin shit about tom and then started talkin shit to me... And you don't get away with that shit.... Especially the fact that he called me a nig. On top of all that, the dumb little fuck gave out his name and address. Correct me if i'm wrong but i think that was a mistake. This little fuck has one coming, i'm just not sure when. On a brighter note, craig comes back saturday and supposedly we are all going to the airport to pick him up. He's really excited about comin. We will probably have good times because we always did when he was around. We may even have to go on an certain offroading trip. Only a certain few will get that. Craig if you read this, can't wait to see ya buddy. I'm gonna go nap cause this campus bores me. Or maybe i'll check out tummi's jounal and laugh till i cry at the gayness of it. Later.