April showers suck ass...

Apr 13, 2004 17:50

I just don't understand this. The weather sucks, then it gets good for a couple of days, like good enough to wear shorts and a t-shirt. Now it's shit again, it's been pooring all god damn day. I got completely soaked going back and forth to class, classes were pretty good today. Fell asleep in law, did nothing in english, and passed the test in math so i'm done with math for the sememster. This past weekend not much went down, thursday night i hung out with the guys, friday i was at godynick's to hang out with camano, wiggum and letsche. Saturday not too much. Sunday was easter, it was pretty good. Visited the grandparents and such. School this week has been goin alright. Right now i'm just sittin here watchin some tv, maybe a little later i'll do some work if i have any ambition to do so. Only 3 or 4 weeks till summer vacation. Can't wait. 2 days till i hit up the hometown again. Well i'll catch everyone later. I'll be online all night.
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