Jul 23, 2010 22:03
DWM #424 reveals the results of the DWM reader survey of last year, which as ever covered various aspects of Who, be it the telly, the books, the audios. And of course audios mean Big Finish and in the Doctor Who Audio Dramas (Big Finish) section the results were duely announced to be -
1. The Nightmare Fair by Graham Williams; adapted by John Ainsworth.
2. The Mahogany Murders by Andy Lane
3. Blue Forgotten Planet by Nicholas Briggs
4. Death in Blackpool by Alan Barnes
5. Patient Zero by Nicholas Briggs
Their percentage of the vote were repsectively 8.5; 8.2; 6.3; 5.3 and 4.6. Other Big Finish audio dramas accounting for the remaining 67.1 per cent of the vote, though there were no rankings for below fifth unlike in previous years.
John Ainsworth on The Nightmare Fair's success -
''How gratifying! It was a real honour to only direct the most famous of unmade television stories, but to adapt the script as well. As always, these things are a team effort and credit is due to Colin Baker and the cast; sound wizard Jamie Robertson; and porducer David Richardson who is the driving force behind this and all the Lost Stories brought to life by Big FInish.''