Bow Down Before The Gamble

May 10, 2008 01:43

Ladies and Gentlemen, just in case I haven’t made it clear before, I will say it again. Sera Gamble is my hero. Last night’s episode was just…keyboard-smashing good.

+ Dean loves him some zombies!

+ Oh, Sam. This is the greatest illustration of last minute desperation I can’t even put words together. He’d rather have FrankenDean than no Dean at all. And he wants to live forever with him. And a Sid and Nancy reference. I love this show so much my tear ducts ache.

+ So, yeah, alright. Jensen’s bowlegged. Dean’s bowlegged. We know. But I nearly did a very undignified bouncy-backflip-face plant off the couch with this scene.

Guys, he hops up steps like a cartoon frog. I LOVE HIM.

+ I really love Rufus and I hope they bring him back. You have to admire a guy who is completely unmoved by Dean Winchester’s winning smile and has awesome taste in scotch.


+ Damsel!Sammy & Brave Knight!Dean strike again. All those in favor of getting Sam one of those bicycle helmets with the little rear view mirror attached, say "aye." He really seems to have trouble seeing the Big Bads sneaking up on his fair maiden ass every week.

+ Sam’s face as they’re about to bury the fridge. I don’t know what to say. *angst eyebrows*

+ How many blowup dolls do we think Dean keeps handy in the trunk?

Alright, kids. It’s time we talk about Bela. I’ll admit it-I’ve hated her. Truly. I’ve absolutely and completely despised her and have struggled not to get up and rummage through the fridge during her scenes. That is, until this episode.

Okay, so flash back to earlier in the season with Dean’s “Your daddy not hug you enough when you were a kid?” comment. Well, as it turns out, her dad hugged her a little too often. Right? It was kind of ambiguous, but OH MAN. If Sera Gamble took it to that epically fucked up place…I love her more than I thought I could. I thought the flashbacks were done beautifully-just long enough to explain things. This is just so perfectly messed up and finally gives some kind of explanation for Bela’s bitchy whore antics; she’s been trying to save her own ass. Maybe I’m blind, but I didn’t see that coming in the least. The hell hounds in the distance gave me goose bumps, and while I’m sure it was just for lack of budget, I think not showing anything made for a more powerful scene. I’ve seen a couple people commenting on the episode saying they hated Bela in this and I just can’t see it. The episode revolved around desperation. We see Sam and Dean interrogating a demon, perhaps a bit more hardcore than usual, frantically trying to get a name. Sam is so anxious to save Dean that he’s willing to, you know, steal parts. Even the damn monster was desperate for new bits and pieces. So, really, Bela’s back story and her deal are only fitting. She went from being a completely vapid character to someone with an actual story and OMG EMOTIONS.

And that’s what I think about that. 

tv: supernatural, jensen's bowlegs, i sold my soul to sera gamble

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