Yes, folks, I've gone green. I carry those eco bags with me to the supermarket even on days other than Saturdays (Saturday is Malaysia's No Plastic Bag Day). I unplug electrical appliances when I don't use them. I don't turn on the AC even when I'm close to melting.
I'm also very green-biased nowadays when it comes to Johnny's. That's not to say that I love my yellows - Okada, Nino, Ryo - any less. My attention's just currently focused on this guy at the moment. Okay, not just at the moment. Try the past 7-8 months, give or take.
I'll just let the pictures speak for themselves.
So, who's excited for Nino and Tacchon's upcoming movie, Ooku, to be released on Oct 1st, 2010? Raise your hands!
That REALLY is what Tsuruoka (Ohkura) is saying to Mizuno (Nino) here.
Just a lot more elegantly/old-fashioned XD
"Sonata yori, sessha no hou ga zutto zutto utsukushii wa." - Tsuruoka.
Don't believe me? Check it out for yourself. Ooku full movie trailer:
RAW on YouTube |
Subbed by azuleanna So, what about my former ichiban? (I mean poor Nino. Okada is still #1♡)
Ooku Behind The Scenes [Ousama no Brunch 2010.08.14] RAW from
arashi_no_jidai .
That's okay, Nino. You'll PWN with Gantz :3
Edit: Added after being reminded of the official website ( by
On a different note, I'm going on a sort of JE-diet/hiatus thing. Meaning I'm cutting down on JE stuff during the week. I'll fangirl over the weekends, but for now, I need to focus on completing postgrad and getting a job ASAP because Johnny's are an expensive habit which I don't see myself ever kicking.
Which means, no more than an hour of JE daily. I thought of totally abstaining, quitting cold turkey, so to speak, but who am I trying to kid? I've got the self-control of an alcoholic in a bar. Plus, all work and no play makes Jules a dull girl and whatnot.
I also won't be doing anymore solo subbing work. If you've friended me for subs, feel free to de-friend me. I won't be offended at all. If and when I do sub something, it will most likely be released under Vi6es(
1995_to_forever or
eitokickass or whoever else I happen to be collaborating with. No more releases from me as
Hm, what else? Anyone on Twitter? I don't post on LJ much and I'm not on MSN much these days; too much work to do that I can't reply immediately and I feel bad for inadvertently ignoring people. So I tweet. A lot. Which suits me just fine. It's kinda like a delayed conversation XD I'm
julieromanesque, by the way.
That's all for now. Back to your scheduled flailing.