R.I.P. Phyllis, we love you girl.

Jun 19, 2005 00:31

For those of you who know me, you probably are very familiar with my beloved 91 Chevy Lumina, Phyllis. Many of you have taken a sweet ride , played with the black baby in a backpack, commented on the ugly stickers, or rubbed her smooth interior. Now Phyl and I don't spend much time apart, so you can imagine how hard it is to tell this sad story.

While driving home from NY on the Merritt Parkway this morning, three deer ran across the road from the left. I slammed on the brakes, and hit the end of the third deer with the front right corner of the car. The deer flew up in the air over the right hand lane, and onto the grass on the far right side.

I was only going 60 mph, but after the impact of the deer, and my foot on the brake pedal, my brakes broke. So there I was crying and in shock driving down the highway with no brakes. I glided over to a mobil service center, and continued to cry and call AAA. Of course, I used up all of my AAA calls for the year, so I had to pay to get my car towed to the shop. While waiting, I had to call the police, and a state trooper came over so I could fill out a police report, and get a "Killed Deer" form for insurance reasons.

I got to the shop, and they said it was a minor brake line problem, and would be cheap and fast. 30 min. later, they brought me into the room, and showed me how completely rusted it was under my car, and said that it would now me $800 to fix, and that it wouldn't be ready until tuesday. I called my Dad crying hysterically, and got on a train back home to Mass.

Soooo, is anyone selling a car? Before this Thursday? Anyone?
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