(no subject)

Jul 24, 2006 12:45

Closest red thing to you?: my pyjama pants. well, they're borderline maroon i spose
Last thing to make you angry?: greg, naturally
Do you have a temper?: i've been known to on the occassion
Last warning you were given?: by the cops, to fix my tyres before i kill myself or others
Ever been in love?: too many times
Are you a fan of romance?: absolutely

Closest orange thing to you?: a shirt in my wardrobe on the other side of the house. i cant bring myself to wear such a disgusting colour
Do you like to burn things?: fire, to keep me warm, and joints to keep me high (but not for a long time :P )
Dress up for halloween?: dear god no
Are you usually a warm-hearted person?: i'd say so, yeah.
Do you have anything against ginger hair?: got nothing against them damned reid heid cunts
Are you usually full of energy?: a lot of the time yeah

Closest yellow thing to you?: the yellow pages. 2005 L-Z to be specific
The happiest time of your life?: probably my 18th, tho i'll be 21 in twelve days (fuck!)
Favourite holiday?: probably the time i went to anglesea with my second-year buddies at the start of the year. tho tassie at easter this year was awesome too, and so is going to noosa every two years.
What makes you smile?: lotsa things. watching the orange M&M get raped.
Are you a coward?: more or less yeah
Do you burn or tan?: fucking burn. at least im no pastie like fish.

Closest green thing to you?: some christmas wrapping
Do you care about the environment?: yeah a bit
Are you jealous of anyone right now?: not really, no
Are you a lucky person?: if we're going to cover my whole life up to this point, i'd say not really
Do you always want what you can't have?: when you've got it you take it for granted, dont you? when you lose it you do everyhting in your power to retrieve it, so yes of course
Do you like being outdoors?: i love it

Closest blue thing to you?: my dressing gown
Are you good at calming people down?: i think so, yeah. which is odd given my own temperamental soul
Do you like the sea?: yeah, i do
Last thing to make you cry?: this question laways appears in surveys and i always forget what i wrote down the previous time. this time i don't recall.
Are you a logical thinker?: i'd say yes
Can you sleep easily?: pretty well

Closest Purple thing to you?: more wrapping paper
Like being treated to expensive things?: who wouldnt?? but i'd have to make sure i did something to deserve it
Do you like mysterious things?: fucking oath! i love surprises!
Favourite type of chocolate?: at the moment, dove nut caramel
Ever met anyone in royalty?: two nights ago i had a dream where i met a girl who was like 17th in line to the presumably non-existent (in real life) scandinavian throne
Are you creative?: used to be but not these days

Closest pink thing to you?: more wrapping paper (i'm in the office at home)
Are you gay/bisexual?: have questioned it once or twice in my life, but no
Do you like sweet foods?: yeah
Like play-fighting?: yeah but no-one else will do it :P
Are you sensitive?: about certain things, yeah
Do you like punk music?: real punk yes. not the so-called 'punk' you get these days - simple plan, good charlotte. fucking trash.

*White* (in the clouds...)
Closest white thing to you?: more paper (easy way out, i know, but fuck yas!)
Would you say you're innocent?: "i swear, i didnt know she was three!"
Always try to keep the peace?: definately, always. except if i'm engaged in a fight myself, but that goes without saying
How do you imagine your wedding, if you want one?: the real proper way, minus any references to religious bullshit
Do you like to play in the snow?: i went to the snow for the first time at easter but i loved it then.
Are you afraid of going to the doctors or dentists?: not so much the quacks since i've been there so much in the last four or five years. the dentist however i probably havent seen once in the last four or five years. i dont like the dentists.

*Black* (at night)
Closest black thing to you?: paper shredder
Ever enjoy hurting people?: of course. no-one can say they NEVER have
Are you sophisticated or silly?: both maybe?
Afraid of death?: more than anything in the world
Would you like to go to space?: no fucking way. you wont gte me in your motherfucking rocket
Do you have a lot of secrets?: what a stupid question. Yes!

*And as the day draws to a close...*
What is your favourite colour?: green
Does the colour you wear affect your mood?: no
What colour are your bedroom walls?: sort of a cream i guess
You prefer contrasting or harmonizing colours?: harmonising
Do you like to paint?: yeah
What colour would you think best symbolises your personality?: every damned one of them
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