Hey everybody! This is W here, usurpin my sisters el-jay. Just trying to see what all the fuss is about, really. Not to mention, I am seriously underrepresented here. I mean, do you guys even know what I look like? No? Didn't think so. I am about half the size of fatty here (muahaha) and just as cute. I'm not as fond of the humans as she is though. That evil blonde midget wasn't very nice to me when I was itty, so I think that kind of made me a bit of a scaredy cat. heh. Luckily, now me and BFP can move much faster (well, me more, cuz bfp has all that extra weight to tote) and get away from the evil blonde midget. Anyway, now you guys get to see some pictures of me, in my two faaavorite spots. On the TV and on the PS2: