Another one sucks

Oct 26, 2008 19:52

So yesterday was awesome I had clients in my home salon all day, my dear Freind took me to an Avs game for my birthday and that was just awesome because it whas been a dream of mine and to make it better the Avs won.

Today is my 25th Birthday and again it was a shitty day. Lets see I got sick over the weekend so I woke up early this morning not feeling well, I did have some fun enjoying my boys and ate Breakfast with them before heading to work. Went to work and everything was just fine there, called home at lunch to surprise surprise find Brendan in a pissy mood, for my 30min lunch I got screamed at on and off and hear him say how much he hates his children. Well at this point I am really hating the idea of going home but also know if I do not head straight home from work I will be even further bitched at (Do note today is my 25th B-day.) So I head home with the plan I will pick the boys up and go get some food shopping done and then made eat a very cheap meal and just spend time walking southlands or something like that. Well I get home to Brendan being in a bad mood and playing his brand new guitar hero just bought today. I do have to say I am proud he was in the process of cooking dinner, he was in a mood so since Braedan was a sleep I told him I will be taking Ian and we will head to Albertsons while he finishes dinner, he bitched but I didn't care its my day and I am going to try to have a little fun and maybe be a little happy since I have dreaded my b-day for the last 5yrs (please note I have been married to Brendan for 5 1/2yrs.) So I run out do that, come home eat and through eating Brendan is complianing about the meal he couldn't and all I would say is its fine and kept eating. Dinner is finally through and Brendan says and kinda asks to leave for the evening at this point my b-day is ruined and I dont give a shit. Once this is said and Brendan is yelling at his children for having a good time I decided you know what I will take the boys to Wal Mart and they can run around there and I can have a little enjoyment. Well Brendan gets pissed at this and I get laid into about spending money on gas and how i am not aloud to drive the car and now that I am working and paying for my own gas, groceries, my own spending money and even pay for the kids clothes I cannot go anywhere and I help with no bills (I am saving him 200+ a month by the way) and so on and so forth, plus I pay for the babysitter for me to work to pay our Grocery bill, buy our children clothing, pay Dr co-pays for the children, get some kind of spending money (which really I can only afford $10 a week) and pay my gas. But that is not good enough, I have to live like a hermit and try to make us live off of no food, oh not aloud to go see friends but he can leave and see his friends whenever he wants, buy video games, and whatever else. Again another birthday I am crying and having no fun. I really do mean this I want my birthday and mothers day to be taken off the books, I do not want to even think of these days anymore I am so sick of getting my hopes up and having them crushed. You know I was going to work for Directv and take over a car payment but I think I will say screw that and put that money towards saving up for my very own car.

Well I guess I should try to get some rest because I need to get up early tomorrow and walk to Wal mart with the boys to buy a couple more groceries and a doorknow for the boys room because it broke and I have to be home in time to get myself to work by 4.
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