Dec 23, 2010 18:20
With all this drama going on I almost forgot that Obama and the Democrats have actually grown a pair this week and done some awesome things.
They repealed the Don't Ask/Don't Tell policy against gays serving openly in the military. John McCain led the charge to keep the ban, and because of this I now wish McCain would die a slow and painful death in a pit of lava, that old fuck.
But still, one small step for LGBT rights! YAY!
They gave free health care for those police and fire who responded to 9/11. The Republicans didn't want this because it costs taxpayer money, but many quickly changed their mind when their own constituents got pissed as all hell. And rightly so. Many of those people are now sick or dying thanks to inhaling pulverized building and bodies.
They ratified a treaty with Russia to reduce nuclear arms. Once again John McCain and a bunch of Republicans were against this. Why do we really need that many nuclear weapons? The cold war is OVER.
gay rights,
health care,
september 11