Freedom Day one day late

Sep 12, 2010 12:48

Is that what we're calling 9/11 now? Freedom day?

In any case, it saddens me that 9 years after the fact we're still seeing signs of islamophobia. We have the people protesting the Islamic center that's NOT ON GROUND ZERO BUT QUITE A FEW BLOCKS AWAY, with Sarah Palin and the other Neocons showing how evil and hateful and bigoted they are, and Republicans sadly being evil douchebags and using this shit to further their campaigns for Black Tuesday. WHO GIVES A SHIT THAT THERE'S A MOSQUE BEING BUILT NEAR GROUND ZERO? Did people forget that there WAS a Christian church built RIGHT NEXT TO the old towers? And to think this sect of Islam is a more moderate sect, even! Oddly enough, and to his credit even, Dubya approves the mosque.

And then there was the Fundie christian church in Gainsville, FL that was going to burn the Quran. Can I burn Bibles on 9/11 too? It's in my constitutional right. I mean, sure, it's in his free speech rights to burn those Qurans, but it doesn't mean it's tasteful or RIGHT. Thankfully, they cancelled.

But look at the organizer's facial hair. The man should be executed for having the most redneck southern looking muttonchops EVER. That facial hair makes me want to KILL myself.

In a more positive note, construction at Ground Zero is proceeding, and I have to admit I love the memorial idea for the site: Two reflecting ponds, each at the location of, and the exact size of, the twin towers. Simple, cheap, and awesome.

islam, 9/11, september 11

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