Jun 09, 2010 21:53
It's funny, because I've had this list of stuff I've been wanting to get finished. Looking up or doing something online. Cleaning my apartment. And it seems every week I think I'll get it all done, every day I think I'll finish it by the end of the day. By the end of the day, I'm wondering where all the time went. Wondering how 8 hours passed by with nothing accomplished. By the end of the week, I'm wondering where the week went, and what happened to all the time. And then I sit there and wonder why time seems to fly by so quickly, especially when I'm doing something fun.
I think my problem is threefold. Being distracted. Lack of Motivation. Doing something enjoyable rather than something tedious.
The distraction thing happens, for example. Say I'm looking at things online and I see something interesting. Say on Wikipedia. And then I read the article, and then I see another interesting thing, and I click on that, and then I click on something else interesting, ect ect. Once I did this... ooohh shiny coin!!!!.....
.... Ahem. Once I did this while looking up the now tallest building, in Dubai, on Wiki, and ended up spending almost an hour on Wiki looking up different articles about the biggest "stuff". Plus, I have a tendency to forget things easily, so if something comes to mind while I'm doing something, I'll drop that something and work on whatever came to mind.
Then there's the lack of motivation. For instance, for some reason I was really motivated to clean last week, but only for two days. Now the motivation is lacking. I should also be more motivated to find a job.
The third thing kinda fits in with the motivation thing. Say I have a choice between cleaning and doing something more enjoyable like watching a movie or playing video games. Odds are I'll do the more enjoyable thing, even knowing I should do the more important thing. It's like a small but powerful pull, like an addiction, that will cause me to do the more pleasurable thing.
So then, because I'm distracted by more interesting things, or things that pop into my head spontaneously, or because I'm more motivated to do fun things than unfun things, nothing gets done. Textbook procrastination, and maybe a little ADD.
If It IS ADD, maybe I should get back on drugs for it. They may help. But since my insurance doesn't cover psychiatric visits and I need one to get ADD drugs, I'm a bit stuck right now. But I wonder if part of the reason I'm in the boat I'm in now is due to this problem.
lack of motivation,