In a
recent show that I totally missed and I'm pissed about missing, Barbara Walters interviewed people of different religious beliefs to find out what they think Heaven is and how people get there. (That Canadian site only works some of the time, but was the only place that had all the answers every person interviewed gave)
What really got me riled up is the one major reason I dislike popular religion...people thinking they're special because they believe in a certain way.
This article says it all. Ignore the fact it's from a religous site, it proves the point.
You have both the evangelical and the terrorist both claiming that anyone who does not follow their savior, whether it be Jesus or Mohammad, is doomed to suffer in Hell. Unfortunatly, a lot of people feel this way.
See, the problem with a lot of organized religion is it tends to breed a certain arrogance with it's believers. First off, you're taught that everything in your holy book, or everything that's a part of your religion, is the undeniable Truth and the word of your God. You have no idea if your holy book is really the word of your God or just written by some Ron Hubbard wannabe, trying to become popular.
Second off, and the most important, is that when you become a true believer, you automatically get a back door into Heaven. Holy shit, you're special now! Your God favors you and you can go to heaven easily! Everyone else, who doesn't believe the Truth, is screwed. Does't matter if they're a mass murderer or a Buddist monk, they're all going to burn in the depths of Hell!
Hmm, being at true believer, being favored by your God, and being allowed access into paradise while everyone who disagrees with you fries in hell? That's what those two people interviewed said. Sounds a tad bit EGOTISTICAL and SELF-CENTERED to me. I mean, if these are supposed to be loving Gods, why are they letting their own creation suffer forever? No, wait, they know the Truth so only they go to Heaven. I'm sorry, I understand now. You're better than everyone else.
Of course, you can't blame people. Life sucks, there's lots of people on the planet, you feel your life isn't important, you don't know what happens when you die. What better way to feel secure than to cling to a religion. A God loves you, he has a plan for you, and you're going to paradise.
All religions are the same... and that's the point. No one religion is better than any others. It's more important you have faith, love, and are a good human being with a good heart. As long as you're not hating, or descriminating, or killing because of your beliefs, it's all good.
I'm just sick of people thinking they're better than each other. Don't they know I'm better than all of them? :D
"People should stop trying to get to heaven, and should start making Heaven right here on Earth." Wisdom from South Park, wtf.