ok, lemme start out by sayin.....I WAS IN A CAR ACCIDENT!! MY DAD WRECKED OUR BRAND NEW CAR!!!!
haha, it was angel at her party, she fely like goin swimmin :p
eve took this pis of joe pikin his nose haha
thyre soo cute
happy jackie?! i told u id eventually put a pic of u here!
ok, i like dis pic of me cuz i look weird haha :p
ok, heres the story, i jsu finished watchin red eye with my family n we were goin home, and we passed by album and thru sum streets, and i noticed alittle bit of smoke and said " look smoke" sop my parents turned n looked, we realized we jus shjowed up at the fire when it was barley starting, and it was sad cuz we saw old ppl coming oputta the house, then the fire dept. came n we left, but it was all trippy cuz we showerd up as the fire jus started to get bad.
me, aj n arron yestarday, hahaha, aj n arron were all feelin like fuck off so they threw the middle finger, haha, me...I WAS LIKE WEST SIDE 4 LIFE NIGGA!