Apr 19, 2004 13:05
I want everyone who reads this to ask me three questions, no more no less. ask me anything you want. then I want you to go to your journal, copy and paste this allowing your friends (including myself) to ask you anything.
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2) I would go to Italy. No question about it. I want to see the Sistine Chapel so freaking bad. After that I would go out and smoke some cigars and drink some brandy. My year and 13 days of soberness would go out the window without a thought.
3) Girls are dumb mainly because they were born that way. They recieve the same training that men do in public school settings. They just aren't able to use reason in many situations. expl: your girlfriend(that's right i said it). Maybe it has something to do with them having kids. some of their intelligence goes straight to the eggs so the children can be born with a hint of intellectual ability. For guys its opposite. Our intelligence is sent straight from the crotch. We spend all of our time becoming smarter just so we can find an original and creative way to land a girl for the weekend.
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