
Jan 03, 2006 21:51

Well i guess now is the time as any to post something on livejournal. So what is new with me. Well for starters my christmas break was excellent. I got everything i wanted for christmas and i was able to buy my family presents with my own money. I got to hang out with my boy Steve alot which was hella tight. I got to meet some of his friends that i had never met before and we unoed and pokered it up. Also in our spare time we played mad Burnout:Revenge. Man that game is addicting. I swear. Party game of the year right there. Also we got to try uno attack which is a pretty messed up game if you have to draw. I still need to do something though. I have to go to Hot Topic and get my boy a gift. A little late i know but hey better late then never. So i figure it is the thought that counts. So yeah.
Bad stuff that has happened. Well my house got egged and i had to clean it up. That was a major shot in the pills. So yeah it sucked. Then my little sister who i had not seen for six months came back for christmas break and i did not get to see her. So yeah it sucked. All in all it was a good weekend. So that is it for now.
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