my shortest multitable tournament

May 17, 2004 11:10

Pokerstars $20+2 with about 200 entries.

Normally I play very tight in the first hour of the tournament but all of this happened in the first orbit.

I folded my big blind.
I limped my small blind (was loose for me) and folded on the flop.
I stole the blinds with KJo (very loose for me but I wanted to show just a little bit of action before going into my ultra-tight turtle shell)
I raised with AA. Someone reraised. I rereraised double the pot (1/3 the starting chips). He folded.
I raised with QQ and got 4 callers. Flop was 468 two clubs. I overbet the pot. Two players go all in. I call. They show A8 clubs (top pair, nut flush draw) and 44 (bottom set). I lose.
UTG I go all-in with AK for 320 (about 20% starting chips, 15x big blind). I figure anybody with an ace will call me down since I had raised preflop the previous 3 hands. Sure enough ATo calls and catches a T.

So despite my tight strategy I manage to bust out in about 10 hands. Hmm.. I recently made a large withdrawal. That damn curse.
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