Apr 15, 2004 15:18
Tomorrow wil be three weeks since the surgery. I'm still getting better every day but it's still slow. I've stopped taking the Darvocet completely. I think it would help me sleep but the first night that I tried to sleep without it I felt a bit sick which implies physical addiction to me. When I think about it I take Tylenol before bed. During the day I use ice packs if it feels sore and that works really well.
I'm quite mobile now. I don't need the walking stick although I still hunch a bit. I can laugh a little bit without pain but a full normal laugh still feels like I am being ripped apart. I haven't sneezed since the surgery because I'm afraid I would explode. That's three weeks without sneezing from someone who normally sneezes every time he steps outside in the sun. For those of youwho don't know, you can press against the skin above your upper lip to surpress a sneeze. It leaves you a bit unsatisfied but it works.
I'm going to work about once a week. Other than that I'm just taking it easy. I haven't removed all of the tape yet because I'm a big wuss about that kind of thing. I'm also avoiding baths and hot tubs (don't worry, I shower). The hot tub here is looking pretty inviting and I've been soaking my feet. I might get brave pretty soon and plunge in.