[In which Cloud attempts to avoid
the whole shebang without looking like he's avoidin' it.]
To: Yuffie Kisaragi
What is this date thing?
Don't involve me
Where the hell's my materia?
[Text remains unsent]
[In which Cloud decides that using his answering machine to head off Certain Phone Calls is a Good Idea. Also in which destiny and PHS message centers work together to screw over Cloud.]
Good Evening. Welcome to X message center! To listen to your messages, press 1. To change your away message, press 2.
As you wish to change your voice message, please note that the new voice message must be less than 10 seconds long -
[... Could've sworn Tifa's message was longer than that ...]
Are you sure you wish to override your current voice message? Please press 1 to continue, or 2 to return to the main menu.
Please note that old voice messages cannot be retrieved once they've been deleted. Press 1 to continue.
Please wait for the tone, then record your mess - [PHS shuts down due to low battery]
[... ... *recharges PHS*]
Good Evening. Welcome to X mess -
[Beep. Beep. Beep.]
Please wait for the tone, then record your message. [TONE]
[TONE] This is Cloud. ... ... I'm not free - [TONE]
Your ten seconds are now complete. To rerecord your message, press 1. If you are happy with your message, press 2.
[In which Cloud hides like a little girl rallies his forces.]
To: Cid, Barret, Aeris, Tifa, Reeve, Nanaki, Vincent
That Thing. If Yuffie says anything, I'm away delivering things.
To: Barret
Re: That Thing.
I know the message center cut me off.
To: Nanaki
Re: That Thing.
... I thought trying to head Yuffie off via message center was worth trying. Worked for two years, didn't it?
To: Barret
Re: Re: That Thing.
[In which Cloud Gets Desperate because things are too quiet.]
To: Reeve
Hide me.
To: Vincent
What's it like living in the mountains?
To: Rufus Shinra
I demand an explanation for this
To: Reno
You suck.
[In which Cloud figures that Yuffie isn't going to hunt him down, and is slightly relieved.]
... I'm hungry.
Who the hell's been throwing shuriken at my door?**
**If this counts as god-modding, my apologies; let me know and I'll take it down <3