Office Hours - March 28

Mar 28, 2014 11:59

Zoe's first order of business today had been to e-mail the Student Council and tell them not to come for any sort of meeting. She knew many of them would probably be outside, and she didn't want to know what they were getting themselves into, but at least she could take a small comfort in knowing that she'd tried to keep them inside the dorm.

From that point, she'd spent most of her morning organizing her weapons, and now she was cleaning some of her smaller guns while Grace was quietly reading. At some point, she supposed she'd have to teach Grace how to do this sort of thing, but Zoe wasn't ready for that quite yet.

[Open! Heeey StuCo, that link is a post in the community, in case you guys are logged in elsewhere and didn't see it yet.]

office hours

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