Aug 23, 2005 02:45
so no one got the tagline from last was from Air Bud. new ones up top in white, guess what movie its from and win.
yesterday i had to help tas install his new carpet, not that bad except for the metric ton pool table. i dont like to brag but i lifted the table all by myself and moved to the other side of the basement. like i always say, "just strap it to my back". raided shores stock room, got me and tony a case 'o wonka bars for the new apt. couple movie posters too. probably not good to put that info on the internet...oh well.
today went to somerset with tony, went to the apple store. kinda weak considering the one in Chigago was 2 stories and had way more stuff. but thats michigan for ya. talked about the move, sounds like were all good to go.
after i got back took the car in for some work did some other mindless tasks then went and played some MVP in the new carpeted dodongos cavern. tomorrow prolly gonna go to the movies for free. i think im done paying for movies now, i mean i got the passes for star, and V at the shores. who wipes?!
so pretty much me and tony are the only westerners left on the east side. but we'll be there friday, so dont worry. odds are we will be partying our balls off that night so come over to 1711 down in the village. good times.
last night i had a dream that bry slaughterd me tas and V. that cant be good. an omen perhaps? hope not. anyways, just watched the Mask, great movie, now its time to slip into that state of unconciousness known as sleep. so peace out
leave a comment and see if u can guess the movie tagline! (all are eligible)
end of line...
heaven and earth are about to collide!