Feb 26, 2005 17:48
Hi everybody!
Well first off, I want to say thank you to all of you who were kind enough to try and make me feel better. I really appreciate it. Sorry that I haven't updated in a while, this site was being gay and wouldn't let me in. So, my week was eventful. On Monday I started talking to Holly in person, which made me happy and less depressed. It's going to take time, that’s all I can really say for now, were becoming friends again and I'm definitely glad we are. Tuesday I got really pissed at Marissa and Collin because she was being a bitch and Collin was being a jackass. I've moved on from that, I think it was just my depression coming back. On Wednesday, we had a long-ass concert. That night I felt like crap afterwards because of my Dad. All my life, he's always ragged on me and never shows any thanks or appreciation of me for doing something good. He never says that he loves me, and I believe that he doesn't. He's always been hard on me and doesn't care about what I do; at least he doesn't show any caring. So if anybody was wondering, I think that’s where my being sensitive to names comes from. When other people make fun of you and your Dad constantly says stuff to you, it makes things really hard. Also this week, I've been talking to Holly practically everyday this week, which is good. This week has also been hard because my grandfather isn't doing to good. He was just admitted to the hospital today again this week. There is one good thing that is coming out of this though; my Dad and his brother (my Uncle) are finally talking to each other after close to 20 years of not speaking or acknowledging each other. I would have gone to the G-force competition today but my private lesson went on forever. Sorry all, hope you all did good. Next week I have driver's ed. segment 2. I have to find a way to get there or I have to ride my bike. I'm going over Matt's on Monday to help him with math, he's dumb, what can you say. That's all for now, I'll try updating more.
Oh just so I get this out there, Collin I don't give a fuck what you say about this, Natalie helped me to realize that. Again thanks to everybody who helped.
Were getting there...