amazing weekend...

Oct 25, 2004 16:09

This weekend was awesome! it all started friday... instead of school i went to the beach w/ taylor. nd her aunt nd grandma... but b4 that john called me when he drove passed my house. so we chatted a bit.. then he got imbarressed cuz i did the "No yooou hang up first!" thing. lol it was funny. so then i got up showered nd got ready to go to the beach. then taylor got here nd when i got oot she told me that on the way they saw some kid get hit by a bus... nd guess wut she did... yup! she laughed! lol that was kinda funny but the kid gettin hit by the car was not. well it mightve been since i didnt see it but i doubt it. so.. well all u losers (jk i love u) were in school we were headin to the beach. taylor wanted to paint my toenails but that didnt happen... so she decided to do her own. i was afraid she was gonna get it on the car then larry would have a fit then shed be punished till forever and id never see her (takes breath) so i put my towel down under her foot. i thought she did a good job.. but im a guy so wut do i kno... i mean.. she got it mostly on the nail... isnt that wut u want??? o well.. then she decided to paint a lil heart on her stomach so when she got a tan there would be the heart... but ya taylor it did look like a disease lol. so she tried to take it off but she couldnt get it... k we listened to the radio, talked a lil, nd she tried to call kenny nd footy but they didnt answer so wutever then we got there. there was the streching guy.... then we brought our stuff down nd saw the yoga guy.. it was nice cuz there was like noone there... instead of tryin to find an empty place to go... we had to choose where we wanted to sit.. i think that was actually harder. k then taylor wanted to walk around the lil shops so her aunts like take a 10 from my purse nd her grandmas liek no jsut take a twenty from mine.. taylor was like ok! (ya i think u had to be there... thats y im telling u). so ya we got the money.. that was funny too but hard to explain so wutever. k we got some money then started walkin down the street.. everything was closed tho. except for this lil coffee place where the weird bird lady was... she was just sitting there w/ the bird on her chest lol. really weird.. so we kept on walkin and the only thing open was walgreens so we went in there..they were renovating nd one of the workers was sitting there eating (doesnt mean anyhting now, just wait). so we looked around... we ended up getting a chocolate bar (which we never ate) and jorge! jorges an inflatabe dolphin. (o ya by the way dolphins actually won! finally) k.. we were gonna get yall postcards but they all sucked... well except for a couple of em but taylor didnt like em... i wonder y. :-D. o ya... we also stole a "LOOK! im reversible!" sticker... for taylor.. cuz shes reversible. then we went back to the beach nd taylor TRIED to blow up the dolphin.. i figured shed be better at that cuz shes so full of hot air...(jk) k well we finally got him blown up nd we went in the water. it was freezingg! especially if u have a penis... i hope ur aunt and grandma didnt kno wat was goin on there!!!. k well i tried pulling taylor on jorge but she kept fallin... then she pulled me nd i kept fallin so we gave up nd decided to wrestle him. (powerbomb!) then we got out nd she wanted to make me a pregnant mermaid but i didnt want to get burried. then i convinced her that i should bury her cuz the sand would exfoliate her. so i did. her legs r soo much fun. lol. then her boob rolled off lol. that was priceless... so first she was pregnant... then she was a volcano then she became pregnant w/ a really big.. inny-outty belly-button. (k this is getting really long) then we rinsed her off dried off nd lied down. her radio was broken so no music :-(. but we looked at her magazine nd read the stories nd stuff... k less details from now on... we went into a store w. cool shirts... got some black nd white cookies but the black side wasnt good... shes so racist! (jk i love u) then we went to walgreens again to get her aunt a water so we did nd on the way out i noticed that guy (from up there ^) was eatin again! (or still). nd as were walkin by this lady taylor goes "fatass" talkin about the then shes like "omg i hope she didnt think i was talkin about her!!... she is too tho." lol ya it was funny. o ya i forgot to tell u that kristen called taylor to remind her to bring her straightener to school cuz she forgot hers. lol who does that!?!!? lol i love it. ya cuz they had cheerleading pictures afterschool. so we saw this guy from the mafia nd watched this "cute" lil gurls chase birds around... then we went home... k thats not all of it but i guess u got the jist of it. so i went home hung out then got ready for the football i got there nd i couldnt find anyone..i called heathre but there was no answer... so i called taylor nd i met up w/ them... we were walkin towards eachother nd they told me that when they were walkin in this big black guy smacked heathers ass... well, told is a bad word... they..demonstrated. lol. so they went to the bathroom then we went into the stands... we were standing there.. nd i saw marcy from like i mile away!!! i told them id brb cuz i saw marcy nd taylors liek wut?!?! i thought she moved to austria.. i said she did but shes back... so i ran thru the stands nd i was out of breath when i got to her.. i picked her up in a big hug.. it was soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo-> good to see her again. nd i liked her hair! but ya i hugged liek at least 5 more times just standing there.. then we went back up nd i saw my cousin so me heather nd taylor went up to say hi.. then we went back down nd watched the game.. halftime nd then the drumline that was funn. then heather nd taylor went to the concession stands so i went over to john nd stacey nd talked. then i went back w/ topher nd some other people. so we lost.. cuz were taravella. nd as we were leaving heather nd taylor were coming back up... they were talkin to enzo nd bryant... then they told me to go w/ them to try nd see kristen or wutever.. so i did, but we didnt.. then we came back down... ran into my teacher :-\ nd saw mr nista. then we went out nd saw enzo nd bryant... talked to them for a lil then said bye nd i was about to get in the car when stacifer called... her nd john came over nd we talked then we ended up goin to larrys. awesome time. talked ate... nd had the lil water spitting fiasco... john! ur makin a mess on my face!!! lmao! k so we took stace home nd got some stuff from my house nd i slpet over johns... woke up early to ride bikes to my ref thing... well john ended up goin to mullins. it was cool but it woulda been better if amber was there... cuz shes the best!! see good, better, AMBER!:-D so i did that then it rained. then rode back.... buuuut, on the way john made the best suggestion ever... get chink was sooooo good! we got soo much food. so we ate, napped, cleaned.. then stacifer came over nd we went to publix nd saw eddy. lol he shook his ass at us while he was bringing some ladies groceries out!!! lmao it was hysterical! o nd johns sister had a bunch of old cds nd we heard songs like barbie girl! it was awesome. then on the way back we listened to disney songs. nd the best song ever, im an asshole ( somtimes i park in hadicap spaces. while handicap people make handicap faces LMAO!!!)... omg... now my sleepin song just came on the radio!! (lol john nd stacifer). k so we hung out then got ready then went skating... it was fun like always except chelsea wasnt there!!! again!!! i havent seen u for over 2 whole weeks!!!!! vanessa was there but it still wasnt the same. still fun tho. jsut not the same level of fun. see chelseas there fun is up here -> ^ _ <- and down there w/o her. then we went to saras nd hungout nd watched some of the last episode of friends... then we took john home got my stuff nd went home nd to bed.. woke up early sunday to do the 5k run for breast cancer.. that was cool. plus they had bagels at the end... wut more could u ask for??? then we were gonna go to the movies butit wasnt a good time.. so we went home nd i showered nd like slept all day.. woke up 7 ate... nd went back to sleep. the run was fun but obviously very tiring. then i woke up at 130, went back to sleep, woke up again at 5, then finally one more time at 615. went to school. then got home and had to walk across the street to the orthodontics. while i was in there gettin my teeth all did up.. AMBER CAME IN!!! how cool is that!??! o nd she had the 2 youngins w/ her too.k then i walked home nd now im here..k im hungry nd done bye o nd i think im going to the game at taravella to see john. nd halloweens coming! k bye
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