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Sep 23, 2004 17:16

stacifer told me to update so here i am...last weekend was awesome. we went to the taravella/douglas game. we got killed!!! but it was still like fukin orgasmic. it was soo much fun. the guy in front of us was goin crazy... i thought he was gonna take off his clothes nd streak across the field... ok im gettin ahead of myself. i went w/ topher, jon, eric, nd coach jeff. then we met stace, sara, nd chelsea. they were like right on the end so we moved more to the center of the field... actually it was dead center... but we ran into daniele nd katie nd daniele said to stand w/ them. krista was in front of me nd she got all excited ndwas like "DAAAANIELLLL".... i didnt think shed remember who i was its been 2 years... ya i thikn she was drunk lol. o god... lol soo many memories of krista (DAVID LOL). then heather nd bonnie joined us. we watched the game a lil nd JOHN calls me... so that was a nice suprise for people... didnt think he could make it cuz of baseball. k then at halftime daniele said i should go w/ her nd katie nd allie to go see amanda (my cuzin) so i did... said hey, chatted a lil then went back... watched some more than taylor called nd said to go to the consession stands... so i told heather nd we went... it was nice to see her but it didnt last long cuz the stupid rent-a-cop made us leave cuz we werent buyin anyhting. (lol o ya! daniele nd katie went w/ us too lol)-omg i swear i just heard stacey on the radio... unless it was someone who sounds jsut like her...- that was the only time i got to see her for like 2 weeks. k then finisheed the game then went home w/ john...well tried to at least... me, john, melanie (johns sis), GAGE!!!! (melanies friend), nd his girlfriend were in the car. lmao it was the funniest thing ever... o god..lol... u had to be there... k then we dropped gages g/f off at her house then went to jamba juice where i had the scare of me life.... this exetremly gay kid said to this girl "i fuked the shit outta ur boyfried".=-O i was so scared!!! i like slid my hand over my ass so he couldnt try to get in...k then we went home.... next day woke up stacifer got dropped off nd we went to johns pinecrest game... he had a great game he went 2-2 nd pitched like 3innings w/ no hits... he also had an AMAziNG diving catch in the outfield. so that was fun.. then on the way home we saw the most pimp car ever!! it was an old cadilac w/ rims like almost as tall as me... it..it.. it made my life. then we went home hung out. then next day woke up nd went to the marlins game w/ john, stace, nd SEAN!! by the way... the marlins game was he gift for johns birthday.. 4 tickets. how insanely nice is that?!?!? no ones ever gotten me a gift like that.k so that was fun... then we went to fridays afterwards... johns parents treat... soo much fun. went to blockbuster for somethign that wasnt there then went nd gotten lazy in johns room... SEANS THE FUNNIEST KID EVER!!! lol it was great... ok monday was a monday...got to talk to taylor while she was shaving... u kno ur jealous!.. then tuesday went to johns after school for his suprizzle pizzle...suprise party for u who arent as ganster as me (i dropped outta school at the age of 3.. lol )sry... but its tru... im a pimp. fontana fizzle.... fo rizzle. k im done w/ that... stacey nd i had fun settin up the volleyball net, then sean came, followed by heather (heather u faniel wut were u thinking lol). then johns bus came nd we all grabbed balloons that stacey made nd thru em at him... it was great. then we hung out nd played badmitten and volleyball nd guess wut.... MARCY CALLED!!! it was soo exciting.. nd nice... i loved that i could actually talk to her. it was nice.. then david arrived... then taylor. in her cheer outfit. nd o ya she did a good job shaving while on the fone w/ me.lol. so we ate... had a pillow fight... talked... looked at johns adopt me thing (hysterical)... had a peom reading... sang... ate again. nd jsut had a good time. nd i got john american idiot!!! wutta a lucky kid. but i got it too so its ok... i heard it was gonna suck but i love it already!!! k thats it for now... c ya
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