Oct 26, 2005 11:49
Sunny brought up a point about trust issues. I've ALWAYS had trust problems because I always end up trusting the wrong people who use my information I confide into them against me or they hurt me somehow. After Nickie's death (cuz she's dead to me) I realized that she and I had gotten reallllllly close. I always talk about how much of me people know because I keep a LOT of skeletons and a lot of secrets. Even Nickie, the love of my life who I was with for 3 yrs, only knew about 95% of everything. I couldn't come clean with everything to her b/c that's REALLY hard to trust someone 100%... Usually w/ girlfriends they get to start out at like 80% knowing shit about me and work from there but now I realize I have a very jaded few of women. I don't know if I could trust another girl. The only girl I truly trust right now is the Peeper. She knows who she is and she's one of my closest friends right now. This is a first that I've entrusted my emotions, feelings into the confidence of a girl who's NOT my girlfriend. I guess it's a step into trusting women again. I need to learn to trust women again, but it's so hard when you've put almost 100% of ur trust and confidence into someone you love and they snap it in half and use it against u. I think when I move home to Cape Coral I'll get better. Granted, I'm moving to a few blocks away from Nickie's house but hopefully I won't think about it 24/7 when I'm on Lexapro like I do normally.