i've had a lot of homework lately. yesterday i had to write a essay for my english class. i had to recount polyphemus's encounter with odysseus from his point of view, so stabbed my eyes out beforehand. im a method writer, i had to get in character. We're researching cults in psychology. i got assigned Heaven's Gate. last night i checked out their website,
http://www.heavensgate.com. apparently it's kept up by the one surviving member. i guess he wasn't good enough for the kingdom of heaven, or maybe he just wan't a mindless drone. its a very expansive website, though. the webmaster will send you all of their books, tapes, and videos as long as you give him your address. i don't think i want him having that information, though. i know he's all the way in california, but those cultists are a determined lot. after reading their philosophy for a while, it started to make sense. thats when i turned off my computer.