Nov 05, 2004 13:27
i've prolonged this enough, time to set my opinion cus my other friends have done so VERY much.
presidential elections are nothing. whatever the president does to our country affects us one way or another, but not so much as to actually change how we breath.
plenty of people i know would have been mad if kerry had won, though it seems everyone i know around me seems mad that bush won cus they prefer kerry.
theres really nothing you can do now, im actually happy bush won, you know why?
i would feel the same way if kerry won. i dont care, cus the economy feeds me, so as long as i can work, then im ok. if bush fails us, well, we just dont learn now do we?
we already a lot of the population arent very well educated... so what? nothing we can really do. plenty of people will want to comment on this, so i'll make it uncommentable, cus its really slowly starting to piss me off, cus although i speak my mind often and loud, its annoying when everyone around expresses the same thing over and over again
its like complaining that the ocean is blue instead of *insert favorite color here* you cant do anything now besides hope that the water will serve the purpose we need.
and for all you republican friends out there, dont worry, im on your side too. a lot of things my friends have pointed out i see logical. Bush isnt the smartest tactitian, but hell, hes president, he has to have SOME reasons that even my democrats can relate to, ok?
im, beleive it or not, a little communist, a little socialist, a little bit of the people rule, though we still need a government because we're all borne naturally evil (thanks to thomas hobbs' philosophy)
so im pretty darn liberal in that case, cus i said im a little of everything cus all of our paries have huge downfalls, but everyone wants to pick the lesser of two evils. got it?
so now then, this whole "BUSH WON!!!! YAY! BOO! YAY! BOO!" all this is giving me a headache cus a majority of my friends are WAY too far in politics.
this is why i dont really want to vote when it comes to being 18 (for me, in two years till i turn 18) and a lot of my friends scorn that idea, cus people died for the right of suffrage
well you know what? the country's government was created by geniouses only to be run by idiots, so why would i vote for an idiot.. seems every president has a terrible thing about them, we need FDR or Roosevelt or lincoln or washington or jeffereson or adams to run again. bush will go in history books for sure, but for what reason?
thats all too much debatable.