Today was a pretty boring day. I stayed at home all day except when I took my dog for a walk I think I really don't need to put this many entries in here. But I get bored. Lol. O and I found this totally cool site it has cartoons and caricatures of all the coolest rock and pop artists. Okay, maybe not all but most! I love the second Linkin Park pic. I made it my wallpaper for my computer. Anyways, after my mom came home and every one had hot dogs and mac n cheese for dinner, my mom took me to Khol's!!! Woot Woot!!! I got 2 pairs of shoes. One is a pair of running- type shoes that are for gym class next year and the other is a pair of chuck taylors (lol Will they look so dumb). I had to get them since they were only $15!!! Lol I'm just cheap like that. And I also got Superman underwear hehe (Will n Ron u can't see them). I am NEVER gonna wear those PJ pants when Will or Ron is around again lmao. I need a belt for them things... anywhos I am kinda bored now and nobody online is talkin to me since Ashley just signed off. Oh nevermind Sam IMed me!!!! I'm just sippin on my gatorade over here until I get sleepy. I will go night night soon I guess. Nighty night don't let the bed bugs bite!!!