Aug 06, 2004 19:18
do you find it funny that "we could leave this town forever". OMG! this is crazy fun. Do you know where you find the worlds problems at ? I know...they're under demetra's bed hiding. Remember not to peak under that thing. OK OK OK...we've totally got to start this song over again cause I hate the violin solo coming up...HOLD ON. oh yeah...thats right. Theres a place on ocean ave...!!! yes I am the one who will make this song great again in 20 yrs. Just you wait. Question: Where do you go to find all the probelsm that plague this world? Uhhhh....just go back a few sentences. Did you find it? OMG. Keep it a secret. WAIT! No one is home here at Demetra's that means I can search the internet for pictures. What pictures you ask, well if you know me well enough you'll be able to answer that question yourself. YEP! pictures of elephants and platapusses(chk spelling)...
New paragraph....1,2,3,4,5 is the amount of spaces you need to start a new paragraph.
Did it work? Oooooo! I found the kanye west folder on her media player. This album is soooooooooooo wonderful. Do you know where he resides? I don't, so tell me. Do the research if you don't already know. GO! do it. NIKE? I like their shoes. Oh this is getting boring. New music. I have a short attention span....hold on. YEAH! 50 cent!!! this is fun. WAIT WAIT. one word. "PINK" What is pink? Its mother fucking GANGSTA. it may be gay, but its also real. I like pink. My friend dan from high school made stickers when he went to "college" for literature that said "boys like Pink" on a pink sticker. GENIUS! to bad we've lost touch. Touch me! OH OH OH! I really got to tell you all sumpin. I am in love with an idea. This idea is sooooo top secret you can't tell anyone. They're back. GOTTA GO. They might find out. BYE