WEEK 9: Eviction Ceremony

Sep 24, 2011 18:56

But first, the House of Redemption results for Round 2:


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Andrew: "Confused by what I was watching and it didn't seem like you were doing the competition at all, so the worse of the two." (2)
Heather: "um, wow. i don't care how much it relates to your song. crying baby was only needed for MAYBE three to four seconds. YOU needed to be seen and lip-sync more, not your child. better luck next time." (2)
Jason: "i'm confused, was this an audition for supernanny?...........and ew omfg clean your living room ok! it made me lol so hard tho" (1)
Tasha Salad: "Honey, this was a trainwreck. I saw a momentary glimpse of greatness when you were working it in front of your green wall. Other than that, this was a much bigger bomb than Hiroshima, girl!!!" (2)


image Click to view

Andrew: "Kind of quiet and boring, but the better of the two, but that's not saying much. The lipsynching was good, so I give you that." (1)
Heather: "you're lucky." (1)
Jason: "lmao um wtf do you think you were doing, etc" (2)
Tasha Salad: "By default." (1)

There you have it! KAREN is the 12th player to be evicted from the game. THERESE will live to see another day, and battle against her sworn enemy ROBERT, pitting the two super-rivals against each other one last time. Who will survive? Stay tuned.

Once this post appears in the community, those voting have roughly 24 hours to turn in their vote and correspondingly answer their given questions, appearing as responses at the bottom of this post. There will always be one group question and then individual questions to the nominees and the HoH. Random questions may be asked to various houseguests. These questions should also be completed before voting. Conversation is encouraged. Votes are due Sunday, Sep 25th at 7:59pm EDT.

Eviction Ceremony #9
- Head of Household:

- Nominees:

- Voting:

- In case of a tie, Ashley, as Head of Household, will cast a vote to break it.

Votes must be sent to bigbrother.season15@gmail.com -- along with the name of the person you wish to cast your vote to evict, you should also include a reason. It is also asked that you answer your questions and review the other replies before making your official decision. Once you cast your vote to evict, your decision is final and it may not be changed.

Votes are due Sunday, Sep 25th at 7:59pm EDT.

eviction ceremony, bblj15, week 9, eviction

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