WEEK 8: HoH, PoV, Speed Week Recap

Sep 16, 2011 19:33

Everyone was online, so instead of dragging another week out, Big Brother decided to have a speed week, much to delight of the houseguests who all happily agreed... though, that would turn into regret for some.

Head of Household Competition
The eligible players were split up once again in teams of two: Jenn/Victoria, Kirsten/Robert and Nicolle/Tom. In the competition, Big Brother gave the HGs the name of a CBS Big Brother past houseguest, with the vowels removed in the name. The first person to buzz-in on each name would get to eliminate a player.

Robert answered correctly first, eliminating Nicolle. Kirsten answered correctly after that, and eliminated Tom. Robert was first to buzz-in correctly again, and eliminated Victoria. Jenn answered correctly the next two times, eliminating both Kirsten and Robert. The girls had two minutes to make their nominees. Jenn nominated Therese and Kirsten, while Victoria nominated Tom and Robert.

Power of Veto Competition
The two HoHs (Jenn, Victoria) + their nominees competed for the Power of Veto. In the competition, they had to square off in duels while Big Brother gave them the names of superheroes and supervillains. The winner would remain in the competition and get to choose two people to duel. Robert, who had won the preliminary round, chose Therese and Kirsten to start the competition.

Kirsten swiftly eliminated Therese and chose Jenn and Tom to duel. Jenn ended up victorious, and she chose Robert and Victoria to duel. V was victorious, so by default Jenn and Kirsten had to square off. Kirsten triumphed again, and then went on to beat Victoria, as well.

Power of Veto Ceremony
After taking herself off the block, Kirsten thought everything was good to go and she'd be voting. However, it was revealed that Therese had received a secret gift via the Pandora's Box (only two good gifts were revealed, versus the three bad. Everything, good or bad, comes in threes). She was the holder of a Ruby Ring Power of Veto, last seen ten seasons ago in BBLJ5.

Due to the pickle that the house was in, Therese had the choice of taking her chances against Nicolle in the eviction vote, or she could force herself, Kirsten and Nicolle to battle in a tie-breaking competition. She chose the latter, and Kirsten swept the competition, retaining her PoV win and the right to be the sole vote.

Eviction Ceremonies
Both houses gave their pleas. Therese and Nicolle went first, and ultimately Kirsten stood up and said, "I know you're upset with me, but eh... it is what it is. I vote to evict Therese".

Ashley stood up and flatly said, "I don't need any pleas," to which Robert agreed. She quickly evicted him saying, "This is so much fun! I vote to evict you, Robert! BUH BYE!" and he exited the front door, through the vestibule and into the House of Redemption.


Inevitably, one of you will be evicted... but will you beat Austin, Karen, Robert and Therese? Or will one of them defeat you, getting a second or third chance at winning this crazy, crazy, crazy, CRAZY season?

Welp, by Sunday, one of you will be crowned the ninth Head of Household and won't have to worry about any of that shit. In the mean time, there's always bbljdiaries.

pov, pov competition, week 8, power of veto, bblj15, hoh competition, pandora's box, hoh results, bblj15-hoh, hoh, pov results

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