WEEK 2: PoV Competition / Results

Aug 07, 2011 19:22

ASHLEY used Protego on herself, DALLAS chose to Avada Kedavra Tom and TOM himself didn't even do anything. Thus, Ashley and Dallas advanced to the seventh and final round of the competition. How fitting for the competition to end in seven rounds, eh eh? Here's the transcript from the chat I had with Ashley and Dallas:

"dallasmarinegeek 7:01 pm
is this the duel part?
ohkabash has been invited. 7:02 pm
ohkabash has entered the room. 7:02 pm
ohkabash 7:02 pm

dallasmarinegeek 7:03 pm

Bradley0389 7:04 pm
No, this is not the duel part. However, Tom has been eliminated from the competition to due your AK, Dallas. Ashley protected herself, but didn't need anything. Soooo it's down to the two of you. Instead of posting this and dragging it out, please IM me your decisions. Dallas, you have 5 points left and Ashley you remain at 20
You have 5 mins to IM, etc

dallasmarinegeek 7:04 pm
ash wins

Bradley0389 7:05 pm
I said IM, but I guess that works too

ohkabash 7:05 pm

Bradley0389 7:05 pm
Ashley, because Dallas has stepped down, you now have 5 mins to IM me a little speech to use for your PoV Ceremony. Ready? Go!

ohkabash 7:06 pm
i have decided not to use the POV. I'd like all nominations to remain as they were.

Bradley0389 7:07 pm
K thx

ohkabash 7:07 pm
i gtg do u need anything else

dallasmarinegeek 7:07 pm
thx ash

Bradley0389 7:07 pm
Nope! Please feel free to go back to your rooms"

ASHLEY is the winner, having kept all 20 of her life points


Congratulations, Ashley! Not only did you win the Head of Household competition this week, but you also have successfully survived a four day power struggle to win the second Power of Veto competition. As everyone can see above, Ashley chose to not use the Power of Veto this week. Eviction Ceremonies will be posted later tonight.

week 2, power of veto, bblj15, pov results

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