BBLJ10 Finale Week : Jury Information

Oct 20, 2009 17:43

Your jury statement and question(s) should be accomplished in new posts to the community. Big Brother is mandating that not only will you leave comments open to your questions so that the Final 3 can respond, but you must also ask each of them a question, and you cannot publicly say "Fuck questions, I am voting for (insert houseguest here)". Comments will not be edited, frozen, or deleted. Comments will not be allowed from the public or pre-jurors during this time. Additionally, only the juror who asked the question is allowed to be the first to respond to the answers that Brian, Chris, and Daniel give to them. If that juror doesn't respond, you cannot and will not comment on it. However, if that juror does respond, then that opens the floodgates of discussion.

Right Now (for a 24 hour window) - Cynthia, Tina, Krysta, and (Ka)ndrew may post their questions to the Final 3

Beginning Wednesday @ 9:30PM EDT (for a 24 hour window) - Casey, Donna, (J)eah, and Andrea may post their questions to the Final 3

In addition to that, during this span of 48hrs, there will be one post designated solely to the Final 3. They will get to ask only one question per remaining houseguest. Now, the rules for the jurors will be the same rules regarding responses to questions/statements for the Final 3. If Brian, Chris, or Daniel respond to someone's response to their question, that will effectively open the door for the eight current jurors to offer their open or pose a counter question.
EX: Dan can only ask Memphis one question, as well as asking Jerry one question

Friday @ 6:00PM PDT / 9:00PM EDT - All questions need to be answered at this point by Brian, Chris, and Daniel. They are not required to answer your questions within your specific 24 hour period, but they will need to have all questions answered by Friday night. If Brian, Chris, and Daniel finish early, I will open the floor for them to make their closing arguements. Otherwise, they will post them after the deadline.

After all closing arguments have been posted by the Final 3, I will open up Big Brother's e-mail one last time for the jury to vote for the winner...or will I? You see, the decision of when to vote is in your hands, jury members, and well - the current houseguests, too.

Either you can vote promptly for the different scenarios after the closing arguements end, or you can choose to vote live at the finale, hosted by Rob. However, if even one person says that they will not be able to attend the live finale, then all votes will have to be submitted beforehand for the different scenarios. Which would also include the current houseguests voting just in case they become the ninth jury member.

As of right now, Rob has to confirm with me on when the live final will be broadcasted. This upcoming Saturday (unlikely, but possible), next Wednesday-Friday, or next Saturday are tentatively the current dates that I'm looking at. But I still need to see what Rob's schedule looks like, so until then, I cannot give you a firm date. Once that is accomplished, I will notify all of you via a post to the community. From there, we will officially decide when the votes will be cast, be it live or beforehand.

If you have any other questions, qualms, or concerns about the jury process, please comment them here. All other comments about the Final 3 need to go either in your jury post or bblj_reunion, depending on which category you fall under.

finale week, bblj10, week 13

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