Jan 12, 2006 00:34
Dear Jostens Class-Ring Salesman,
I am 25 and currently involved in a long-distance relationship with a sweet man I met last summer. Although I care about him deeply, he has become quite overbearing. He sends me roses almost every week and calls me at work just to tell me how much he loves me. I think he worries that I might be dating other guys since we're so far apart. I'm not, but to be honest, his neediness is becoming a huge turn-off. How can I tell him to tone it down?
-Smothered In Seneca
Dear Smothered,
Any football players out there? How'd we do this season? Pretty impressive, guys. How about band? Anyone play the trombone? Well, then, I'd like you to take a look at this ring. Pass that back to that gentleman with the glasses. See, Jostens has many styles and colors to choose from, so that your class ring will reflect your unique personality. Create a one-of-a-kind ring that shows off your special qualities. Jostens has engravings for every activity, from athletics to newspaper to 4H. And just look at all the stone options. Nice, huh? Go ahead, try it on. Every color of the rainbow. You can get your birthstone, your favorite gem, or go with your favorite color. See this writing on the side here? You can express yourself further with one of the multiple bezel options. With so many choices, it would be impossible to make a ring that isn't right for you. This one says, ah, "Deus Veritas Familia," and that means-hold on a sec. Okay, that means "God, Truth, and Family." Then we got "Veritas Familia Sapientia" which means, let's see here, "Truth, Family, and Wisdom." We even have a home-schooled option, so if any of you have home-schooled friends, let them know they don't have to be left out. Okay then, let's start passing those rings forward. Here's an order form for each one of you. No, don't worry if you're not sure. Take a form, just in case. Might as well. Here's one for you. Take the brochure home and talk about it with Mom and Pop. I'll be back on Thursday. I can't wait to see what you all pick out.